The World of Khaas: The Legendary Lands of Arduin
Apr 1, 2004 · The Khai-Zirin, a once star-faring race, might not be present, or Phraints, an insectoid race, or techno magik [sic], artifacts from technological societies, but Dave’s Arduin has always been modular.
October 18, 2019 – The Doderman Defense
Oct 18, 2019 · The Khai-Zirin: the lynx-ish cat folk. Not every Khai-Zirin was slain in the Khai-Shang’s brutal war on them, but they were left mere tatters of what they had been. Galactically speaking, they are a forgotten race, believed driven to extinction by the Khai-Shang.
We’re Not Done with Phrainth Yet, Baby! | The Doderman Defense
Mar 31, 2022 · Of all the races which formerly possessed a much higher level of technology (the padha-hha, deodanths, khai-shang, and the khai-zirin), the phrainth have managed to preserve the largest percentage of their former glory.
Review of World Book of Khass: Legendary Lands of Arduin
The Khai-Zirin, a once star-faring race, might not be present, or Phraints, an insectoid race, or techno magik [sic], artifacts from technological societies, but Dave’s Arduin has always been modular.
Languages of Arduin (some of them) | Arduin
Dec 9, 2023 · the following language are not all inclusive, nor do they reflect specifically what will be in the Arduin Bloody Arduin rule upon release. They are merely presented here in the format when we at Emperors Choice first posted this. The Languages of Arduin by Dave Hargrave Arduin is …
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Khai-Zirin 59 Knoblin 61 Kobbitt 61 Kobold 62 Ogre 63 Orc 64 Padha-Hha 65 Phraint 66 ...
Arduin Dungeon -- Card Inserts • Collecting General - Acaeum
Nov 3, 2024 · OK, these are most definitely the card sets for Arduin Dungeon #1: Caliban. I read through the module and it made repeated references to the names of these, which I will also list for edification purposes. All were written by David Hargrave but illustrated by Greg Espinoza. I do not own Arduin Dungeon II, but I am working on it.
Name: World Book of Khass: Legendary Lands of Arduin$
Affiliated Capsule Review$ December 24, 2004. by: Steve $ Style: 4$ (Average) Substance: 5$ (Average) The World Book of Khass is an outstanding setting for any FRPG. It's system-neutral and has 79 maps and 717 pages of detail!
[WIR] Arduin Eternal | Tabletop Roleplaying Open | Page 2
Dec 28, 2016 · RPGnet is joining RPGMatch. We're getting web developers, tech upgrades, and new resources of pretty much every kind! Find out about the changes from Miss Atomic Bomb and the mods here!
Khai-Shang Khai-Zirin Khorb Knoblin Kobbit Orc Pahdda-ha Phraint Saurig Throon Trelf Urukk ARDUIN CLASSES -- Fighters: Warrior Forester Barbarian Paladin Beast Master Bandit Hunter Bounty Hunter Duelist Sentinel