Zionist Occupation Government conspiracy theory - Wikipedia
The Zionist occupation government, Zionist occupational government or Zionist-occupied government (ZOG), sometimes also called the Jewish occupational government (JOG), [1] [2] is an antisemitic conspiracy theory claiming that Jews secretly control the …
犹太人占领政府阴谋论 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
犹太人占领政府阴谋论 (Zionist Occupation Government conspiracy theory)是一种反犹 阴谋论,宣称 犹太人 秘密控制 了西方国家政府, [1][2] 是同时流行有几个世纪历史的 世界犹太人阴谋论 的变种。 相信该阴谋论的人认为有一个秘密的锡安主义组织正在积极地控制着国际银行,并通过这些银行进而控制政府,从而密谋损害 白人 、 基督教 和 伊斯兰教 的利益。 [3] 这一描述得到了 欧洲 、 [4] 美国 [5][6] 白人至上主义 者、白人民族主义者、 极右翼 、 本土主义 者 [7] 和 反犹主 …
Antisemitic trope - Wikipedia
Contemporarily, the trope often goes by Zionist Occupation Government (ZOG), which accuses the Jews of "controlling Western governments" for selfish ends, like benefitting Israel. [33] . The ZOG is widely peddled by antisemites, such as the Neo-Nazis, white nationalists, [34][35] Islamists and black supremacists. [36]
ZOG is a white supremacist acronym for "Zionist Occupied Government," which reflects the common white supremacist belief that the U.S. government is controlled by Jews. This has resulted in white supremacist slogans such as "Smash ZOG," "Kill ZOG, or "Death to ZOG."
Is 'zog' really the only way to criticize Israel? – The Forward
Aug 12, 2024 · But the term, it turns out, is shorthand for Zionist Occupied Government, and it’s a 1970s variation on the age-old antisemitic conspiracy theory alleging that a secret cabal of …
Z.O.G. (Zionist Occupied Government) | Center on Extremism
Z.O.G. is an antisemitic acronym for "Zionist Occupied Government," which reflects the belief, often held by white supremacists and other antisemitic conspiracy theorists, that the U.S. government is controlled by Jews. This has resulted in white supremacist slogans such as "Smash ZOG," "Kill ZOG" and "Death to ZOG."
Antisemitic Conspiracy Theories Abound Around Russian Assault …
Mar 9, 2022 · [sic]” “ZOG” stands for Zionist Occupied Government, an antisemitic conspiracy that Jews control the government. Sean Sweat, a white supremacist with a large online following, echoed the sentiment that the ”Jewish elite” orchestrated the war in Ukraine as a mechanism for white men to kill each other, referred to as a ”brother war.”
Are neo-Nazi terms really the only way to criticize U.S. support for ...
Aug 12, 2024 · If you hadn’t heard the term before, “zog” might sound like a strange piece of internet slang or perhaps a video game character. But the term, it turns out, is shorthand for Zionist Occupied Government, and it’s a 1970s variation on the age-old antisemitic conspiracy theory alleging that a secret cabal of Jews runs the...
Zionist Occupation Government conspiracy theory - Wikiwand
The Zionist occupation government, Zionist occupational government or Zionist-occupied government (ZOG), sometimes also called the Jewish occupational government (JOG), is an antisemitic conspiracy theory claiming that Jews secretly control the …
Zionist Occupation Government | Article about Zionist …
Zionist Occupation (also Occupied, Occupational) Government (ZOG) is a term used by anti-Semitic groups who believe that the U.S. government is controlled by Zionists.