Martin Luther King, Jr. High in Stonecrest has 1,400 students, but school officials say it can be hard to stay focused on ...
Friday's Akron Canton Regional Foodbank event marks the 34th Harvest for Hunger Campaign to assist those in need.
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy arrived at the White House to meet with President Donald Trump on Friday at a pivotal ...
Yonder reports on the deer venison donation programs providing meat for food-insecure Americans, and how and why it works so ...
A parent complained about a middle school lesson and asked her Midlands school board to remove the popular young adult novel ...
A Lexington One parent wanted to ban the popular dystopian book "The Hunger Games" from middle schools, with the claim it ...
The popular dystopian young adult novel is being challenged by a Midlands parent, prompting a hearing this week that could ...