Vegeta has sported some interesting looks throughout the Dragon Ball franchise. These are the best designs among his many ...
Thomas Aquinas identifies three key attributes that define beauty ( Summa Theologica, I, Q. 39, A. 8): 1. Integrity (a statue ...
If you’d rather not spend time in the character creator, bypass the fiddly part and get straight into the game with MH Wilds ...
Video Game realms hold intricate histories, profound lores, and profound characters that would translate amazingly into the ...
God is described as male in many religions and referred with masculine imagery, but when asked, many religious types insist ...
Reinvention has been the key to God of Wars’ continued success, so the next chapter of Kratos’ story must be as radical as ...
Men cry, too. If we’re being reductive, that is the message of Samuel D. Hunter’s “ A Case for the Existence of God ,” a ...
This winter, join a family that might not be too far off from your own with The Masquers ’ production of “Making God Laugh.” Performances will be at Capitol Civic Centre at 7:30 p.m. March 6-8 and ...
Who are the Marvel Rivals characters? With any new Marvel game ... featuring a considerably cooler design than his MCU counterpart (no offense, Jeremy Renner). Overwatch players will be familiar ...
The line up of Fortnite characters has had a complete overhaul, as we'd expect with the start of a new season, and while there are a few returning faces from Demon Hunters a majority of the ...
There are a ludicrous number of options and sliders to fiddle around with, and you can basically spawn any character you can think of. You could even create Todd Howard himself if you wanted ...