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- Pallor
Mortis - Pallor
Symptom - Pallor
Meaning - Pallor
How to Say - Optic
Atrophy - Pallor
Examination - Pallor
Pronunciation - Pallor
Definition - Cyanosis
- Optic Pallor
Disc - Clubbing
of Nails - Splinter
Haemorrhages - Conjunctival
Pallor - Optic Disc
Pallor Causes - Pale Conjunctiva
Anemia - Central Cyanosis vs Peripheral
Cyanosis - Pallor
Pronounce - Optic Disc
Swelling - Conjunctival Pallor
vs Normal - Iron Deficiency
Anaemia - Compartment Syndrome
Testing Procedure - Anemia
Eyelids - Optic Nerve
Notching - Papular
Rash - Infraorbital Nerve
Problems - Fasciotomy for Compartment
Syndrome Leg - Microangiopathic Hemolytic
Anemia Symptoms - Pathophysiology Iron
Deficiency Anemia - Cyanosis
Types - Iron Deficiency Anemia
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