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- Joe Turkel
The Shining - Joe Turkel
Interviews - Scatman
Crothers - Joe Turkel
Dies - The Shining
Bartender - Turkel
Homes - Joe Turkel
Role in the Shining - Pris Blade
Runner - The Shining
Bar - Philip Stone
Actor - Roy
Batty - Rutger Hauer
Blade Runner - Jack Nicholson The
Shining Bar Scene - Danny Lloyd
The Shining - Blade Runner
1982 Film - Paths of
Glory - Blade Runner
Roy Tyrell - The Shining
1980 - Gilligan's Island
Pilot - How Did Rutger
Hauer Die - Harry
Northup - Blade Runner 1982
Rick Deckard - Russell
Johnson - William
Sanderson - Movies Jack Nicholson
The Shining - The Shining
1997 Film - Blade Runner
1982 Rachael - Blade Runner
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