Download and install Google Chrome
Tip: If you've used a different browser, like Firefox, you can import your settings into Chrome. Install Chrome offline. If you have issues when you download Chrome on your Windows computer, use the alternate link to download Chrome on a different computer. On your computer, download a Chrome installerfor a different computer.
Google Chrome Help
Official Google Chrome Help Center where you can find tips and tutorials on using Google Chrome and other answers to frequently asked questions.
Download and install Google Chrome
Make Chrome your default browser; 5 of 10. Use Chrome at home; 6 of 10. Sign out of Chrome; 7 of 10.
Download Chrome - Google Help
In the search bar, enter Chrome. Tap Get. To install, follow the on-screen instructions. If prompted, enter your Apple ID password. To start browsing, tap Open. To open Chrome from your Home screen, tap Chrome .
Download og installer Google Chrome
Du kan gøre Chrome til din standardbrowser. Tip! Hvis du har brugt en anden browser, f.eks. Firefox, kan du importere dine indstillinger til Chrome. Installer Chrome offline. Hvis du har problemer med at downloade Chrome på din Windows-computer, kan du bruge det alternative link til at downloade Chrome på en anden computer.
Télécharger et installer Google Chrome
Ouvrez Chrome. Windows 10 et versions ultérieures: une fenêtre Chrome s'ouvre une fois l'installation terminée. Vous pouvez alors définir Chrome comme navigateur par défaut. Conseil: Si vous avez utilisé un autre navigateur, comme Firefox, vous pouvez importer vos paramètres dans Chrome. Installer Chrome hors connexion
Descargar e instalar Google Chrome
Puedes establecer Chrome como navegador predeterminado. Nota: Si has utilizado otro navegador, como Firefox, puedes importar tu configuración a Chrome. Instalar Chrome sin conexión. Si tienes problemas al descargar Chrome en un ordenador Windows, utiliza el enlace alternativo para descargar Chrome en otro ordenador.
Google Chrome herunterladen und installieren
Tipp: Wenn Sie bisher einen anderen Browser verwendet haben, z. B. Firefox, können Sie Ihre Einstellungen in Chrome importieren. Chrome offline installieren. Wenn Sie Probleme beim Herunterladen von Chrome auf Ihrem Windows-Computer haben, können Sie Chrome über den alternativen Link auf einen anderen Computer herunterladen.
Descarcă și instalează Google Chrome
Sfat: dacă ai folosit alt browser, cum ar fi Firefox, poți să imporți setările în Chrome. Instalează Chrome offline. Dacă întâmpini probleme la descărcarea browserului Chrome pe computerul Windows, folosește linkul alternativ pentru a descărca Chrome pe alt computer. Pe computer, descarcă un program de instalare Chrome pentru alt ...
Mendownload dan menginstal Google Chrome
Tips: Jika menggunakan browser lain, seperti Firefox, Anda dapat mengimpor setelan browser ke Chrome. Menginstal Chrome secara offline. Jika Anda mengalami masalah saat mendownload Chrome di komputer Windows, gunakan link alternatif untuk mendownload Chrome di komputer lain. Di komputer, download penginstal Chrome untuk komputer lain.