The dreaded poop-butt, solutions?? - The Horse Forum
Jul 21, 2015 · Your weather has been pretty wonky lately; yes we've heard about it on the Nashville stations, plus I watch Al Roker, lollol. It is most likely playing a huge role in the chemistry of your grasses and affecting this horse's digestive tract ----- even if other horses are not affected
Arabian Lines - your opinions/experiences? | The Horse Forum
Aug 29, 2011 · Not a fan of the SEs, especially the Al Khamsa horses. They've been inbred -excuse me- linebred so much they're fugly, stupid, and over reactive. They look like bad cartoon caricatures of the original breed. There are some nice SEs, but I happen to think they're few and far between. There used to be plenty of SEs that I liked. Nowadays, not so ...
New Holland Discbine Cutterbar Question | Hay & Forage Forum
Nov 21, 2016 · On the 313 and 316 machines you can remove any module without removing the cutterbar, but removing the cutterbar on the smaller machines is easy to do with only four mounting pins to remove.
Can I ride Western in English tack? - The Horse Forum
Jun 4, 2017 · Al Dunning, reining, again, contact used in warm up Thus, if awestern horse resists contact, throws head ...
Are gaited horses more prone to lameness | The Horse Forum
Nov 22, 2022 · The Mangalarga Marchador (MM) is a Brazilian horse breed known for a uniquely smooth gait. A recent publication described a mutation in the DMRT3 gene that the authors claim controls the ability to perform lateral patterned gaits (Andersson et al. 2012). We tested 81 MM samples for the DMRT3...
Shortening loader arms - Hay & Forage Forum
Feb 17, 2017 · I've got a 190xt allis with a Du-Al 325 loader. The loader would normally sit with the vertical supports right at the front edge of the foot platform. Long story short I decided to install a Year-a-round cab on it and will now be moving the loader forward.
Who is the best horse trainer - The Horse Forum
Aug 8, 2022 · Al those "names" though learned at the side of someone by doing, by being watched and instructed how-to-do. Few of us are going to afford those names to work with us one-to-one and to me, if you need a true tune-up, true training to commence...it is repeated for a duration of time so the animal learns the new ways firmly with their being.
How Many Days from Cutting to Baling? - Hay & Forage Forum
Aug 6, 2015 · DR. Al Rotz has documented that the least cost to harvest hay is when the hay is dropped in a windrow and baled from that windrow. It cost money to pull a tedder, and it cost money to pull a rake, let alone the value of the hay lost to leaf shattering.
Wind Turbines and Horses - The Horse Forum
Mar 9, 2024 · vibration (Rubin et al., 2001). In fact, the mechanism of mechanotransduction may have played a role in the process by which mechanical forces, vibrations in this case, the cells were subjected, may have led to a structural response of bone tissue growth. Consequently, the bone may have
Dropped/knocked down hip/pelvic fracture | The Horse Forum
Apr 18, 2024 · That is NOT a hunters bump in the real sense; Joker was a trail horse. He doesn’t walk “square”, but co side ring I al ost lost him to founder first and broken bck bones second, I think he was doing pretty darn good and he was happy. here are the custom rear shoes Joker hd to wear for 6-8 weeks.