Characters in Dragon Ball Multiverse - TV Tropes
Zen Buu's brief look into his room (which is now another dimension) implies that he has a set of Dragon Balls at the ready and that he's been using the wishes to give himself the ability to dominate opponents.
Good Buu - Dragon Ball Wiki
Good Buu (魔 ま 人 じん ブウ(善 ぜん)Majin Bū (Zen), lit. "Demon Person Boo (Good)"), [4] also known mainly as Majin Buu, is the result of Innocent Buu using fission to split into good and evil halves. He would go on to become a member of the Z Fighters and live with Mr. Satan.
Universe 4 | Dragon Ball Multiverse Wiki | Fandom
Universe 4 (第4宇宙, Dai yon uchū) is the designation for the third universe visited by the universe-hopping Vargas. The strongest being of this universe is Majin Buu who claims to have absorbed...
Majin Buu (Universe 11) - Dragon Ball Multiverse Wiki
Successfully released from his sealed ball and never splitting into good and evil halves, Buu remains underneath Babidi's control and serves him as his strongest minion for twenty years since the Z-Fighters couldn't stop him. He is likely the strongest known entity from Universe 11. [2]
Dragon Ball Multiverse (Webcomic) - TV Tropes
U4 Zen Buu, basically a Super Buu who managed to absorb everyone with a power in his universe. And even this is just the start, the novelization elaborates his quest to understand himself and master the mystical arts. U6's Bojack Gang, who actually defeated the Z-Fighters. U7's Gast Carcolh...
Zen Buu | Wiki | DragonBallZ Amino
In Universe 4 in Age 774, the timeline diverges from Universe 18 during the time Buu fought against Gokū and Vegeta in his own body after they freed Gohan, Goten, Trunks and Piccolo. In this universe, when Vegeta threatens to free Fat Buu, Buu does not try to plead with him to stop.
Zen Buu | Wiki | DRAGON BALL ESPAÑOL Amino - Amino Apps
Buu es capaz de usar todas las técnicas de Goku, Vegeta, Gohan, Goten, Trunks, Piccolo, Shin y Kibito. Aparte de obtener todos sus conocimientos, es alguien bastante inteligente, pues también absorbió a Bulma. ☆ Buu puede respirar en el espacio tranquilamente, tal cual puede hacer la raza de Freezer. ☆
Hypothetical VS rounds: Zen Buu from DBM vs DBS fighters
Oct 1, 2022 · If you haven't read DBM, this Zen Buu basically overpowered every SSJ3 in the arena (including Vegito, Gotenks, Goku, Vegeta, Son Bra, Bad Vegeta from a different universe, etc.). DBM was built off of DBZ so there's no SSG/SSB in that story, SSJ3 is the peak transformation for the Saiyans.
Respect Majin Buu (Dragon Ball Multiverse) : r/respectthreads - Reddit
Jul 27, 2022 · Majin Buu (Universe 4) - "Zen Buu" "I'm everywhere! I have your Dragon Balls, I have your technology! I know your secrets and I play with your minds! I decide who lives, who dies, and who gets absorbed!" Dragon Ball Multiverse is a famous and long running doujin webcomic originally started by Salagir and Gogeta Jr. in 2008. It is a fan sequel ...
Zen Buu Starter | Wiki | DragonBallZ Amino - Amino Apps
The Mightiest Majin Buu Enters the main Dragon Ball World. His life had changed drastically since his birth from the darkness that was Aladjinn, he was originally meant for wiping out Galaxies over many years.