Xu Han - AKB48 Wiki
Participated in season one of Chinese Idol 2013. Auditioned for SNH48 2nd Generation with her best friend. Her best friend was selected but dropped out before the official debut. Her catchphrase is based off the song '小乌龟' (Xiao Wugui/Turtle) performed by Nicholas Teo in the Taiwanese drama Smiling Pasta.
Xu Han - Wiki48 - Stage48
Xu Han was a member of SNH48's Team HII. She is now a soloist under Zhenwan Culture.
SNH48 Members | SNH48 Wiki | Fandom
SNH48 had a total of 332 original members over 21 generations (not including Kennin and Team Kaigai members). As of October 2024, SNH48 has 65 active members and 11 trainees.
SNH48 - Wikipedia bahasa Indonesia, ensiklopedia bebas
SNH48 adalah grup idola Tiongkok yang berbasis di kota Shanghai. Dibentuk pada 2012, grup ini awalnya merupakan grup saudari internasional AKB48 yang kedua. Mengadopsi konsep " idols you can meet ", grup ini secara rutin mengadakan penampilan di teater eksklusif mereka, SNH48 Star Dream Theater.
SNH48 Members - 48plus
SNH48 had a total of 332 original members over 21 generations (not including Kennin and Team Kaigai members). As of February 2024, SNH48 has 78 active members and 11 trainees.
Xu YuHan - AKB48 Wiki | Fandom
Xu YuHan is a member of CGT48's Team GII. 2023.06.02 - Joined CGT48 as a Team GII member 10th Senbatsu Election - Not Ranked 11th Senbatsu Election - Not Ranked Best Partners 4.0 - Didn't...
Xu Han | 48 & 46 Group Fanmade Wiki | Fandom
Xu Han was a member of SKE48's Team S. Personal strengths: Presenting, Dance, Sing Hobbies: Eat bread, guitar Participated in season one of Chinese Idol 2013. Auditioned for SKE48 2nd Generation with her best friend.
Xu YuHan - Wiki48
Jun 14, 2003 · Xu YuHan is a member of CGT48 's Team GII.
Xu YuHan - 48plus
Xu YuHan is a member of CGT48's Team GII.
Xu Han Han, 48 - Colorado Springs, CO - Reputation & Contact …
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