linebender/xilem: An experimental Rust native UI framework - GitHub
This version of Xilem has been verified to compile with Rust 1.85 and later. Future versions of Xilem might increase the Rust version requirement. It will not be treated as a breaking change and as such can even happen with small patch releases. Click here if compiling fails.
What is Xilem? Xilem aims to be the premier UI library for Rust, drawing considerable inspiration from SwiftUI, with a serious focus on performance. The bulk of Xilem community discussion takes place on the Xi Zulip instance, which is an active hub of discussion for advanced UI and graphics application development, especially in Rust.
Xilem: an architecture for UI in Rust | Raph Levien’s blog
May 7, 2022 · UI code written in this architecture will look very intuitive to those familiar with state of the art toolkits such as SwiftUI, Flutter, and React, while at the same time being idiomatic Rust. The name “Xilem” is derived from xylem, a type of transport tissue in …
crates.io: Rust Package Registry
Xilem is a UI toolkit. It combines ideas from Flutter, SwiftUI, and Elm. Like all of these, it uses lightweight view objects, diffing them to provide minimal updates to a retained UI.
xilem 0.1.0 - Docs.rs
Xilem. An experimental Rust architecture for reactive UI. Xilem is a UI toolkit. It combines ideas from Flutter, SwiftUI, and Elm. Like all of these, it uses lightweight view objects, diffing them to provide minimal updates to a retained UI. Like SwiftUI, it is strongly typed.
Xilem 2024 plans - Linebender
Jan 10, 2024 · Xilem is an ambitious project to explore the limits of UI performance, as described in my High Performance Rust UI talk. The goals include gathering knowledge about the viability of Rust for UI, and what patterns work well.
Xilem: an architecture for UI in Rust : r/rust - Reddit
May 7, 2022 · Xilem is based on a view tree which is a simple declarative description of the UI. For incremental update, successive versions of the view tree are diffed, and the results are applied to a widget tree which is more of a traditional retained-mode UI
xilem/ARCHITECTURE.md at main · linebender/xilem · GitHub
Xilem is a framework that aims to provide a performant and productive option for Rust GUI. This crates evolved from various experiments in the Linebender community (Druid, masonry, idiopath, lasagna, crochet, etc)
xilem - Rust - Docs.rs
API documentation for the Rust `xilem` crate.
| Homepage for the Linebender organization
xilem - Experimental Rust architecture for reactive UI. Xilem is a UI toolkit with a medium-grained reactive architecture strongly inspired by SwiftUI. It is currently in a pre-alpha state, with several significant issues, but is improving rapidly.
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