Woden - Encyclopedia.com
May 14, 2018 · Woden (wō´dən; German vō´dĬn), Norse Odin (ō´dĬn), in Germanic religion and mythology, the supreme god. His cult, although widespread among the Germanic tribes, was sometimes subordinated to that of his son Thor.
Scythian Religion - Encyclopedia.com
SCYTHIAN RELIGION SCYTHIAN RELIGION . The Scythians were predominantly nomadic, Iranian-speaking tribes inhabiting the steppes of the northern Black Sea region from the seventh to the third century bce.
Christiansen, Ole Kirk | Encyclopedia.com
Ole Kirk ChristiansenDanish toymaker Ole Kirk Christiansen (1891-1958) founded The LEGO Group, one of the world's largest toy manufacturers.
The Calendar Takes Shape in Mesopotamia | Encyclopedia.com
Thus Tiu, Woden, Thor, and Freya replaced Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, and Venus to lend their names to Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday respectively. Likewise the modern form of the solar calendar more clearly shows the impact of Roman civilization, from whence comes the present system of months, as well as the designation of January 1 as ...
Comparative Mythology - Encyclopedia.com
Such identifications, employing interpretatio Romana, are readily apparent in the English and French names of the days of the week; the English names are derived from the Germanic gods, the French from the Roman: thus Tuesday, T ý r's (or Tiu's) day, corresponds to mardi, day of Mars; Wednesday, Woden's day, corresponds to mercredi, day of ...