c - Sleeping for milliseconds on Windows, Linux, Solaris, HP-UX, …
I have to write a C program which has to sleep for milliseconds, which has to run on various platforms like Windows, Linux, Solaris, HP-UX, IBM AIX, Vxworks, and Windriver Linux. On Windows, the Sleep system call will work on milliseconds only. On Linux, sleep will work on seconds; usleep will perform on microseconds and it's available on ...
how can a vxworks task let all other lesser priority tasks run for a ...
Oct 25, 2013 · However this doesn't guarantee a 100 ms sleep, but instead a sleep of up to 100 ms or as little as 0 ms if the next clock tick is imminent. If you call taskDelay(2), then your task will sleep until the next clock tick (some time between 0 and 100 ms) plus the following clock tick (guaranteed to be 100 ms) - resulting in a total delay of between ...
vxWorks nanosleep...help?
Jun 10, 2009 · Hey everyone, I wasn't too sure where to post this, so I figured General Topics would be a good start. I'm relatively new to vxWorks and RTOS in general. I have a quick question concerning nanosleep() in vxWorks. For some reason I just can't get it to work.
VxWorks signals - Stack Overflow
May 22, 2013 · My answer has 2 parts: 1. How to use correctly task Delay with vxWorks 2. TaskDelay is not the correct solution for your problem. First part: TaskDelay in vxWorks can confused: taskDelay(0) – don't perform delay at all!!! It is a command to the scheduler to remove the current task from the CPU.
can we measure resource usage by a task under sleep in …
Jun 25, 2018 · I have encountered sleep routines in VxWorks RTOS and POSIX thread(on Linux ). Once I started with micro controller programming I came across situations where the tasks which are going to sleep will be run by a slower clock, …
vxWorks Timers: Not able to call handler more than once
Mar 1, 2019 · I am making simple test in VxWorks with timer interrupt and to write number of times timer triggered, into a file using fprintf. But the problem is that timer doesn't run more than once. I set the timer with timer interval parameter as you can see below. What do you think is …
program hangs while sending serial data in VxWorks
Oct 15, 2021 · In order to understand it, it is necessary to understand the specifications of the CPU board and device driver running VxWorks, and the communication and command/response specifications of the connected device. And if you want advice or answers, you'll need to present them in your question article. –
Monitor task CPU utilization in VxWorks while program is running
I'm running a VxWorks 6.9 OS embedded system and I need to see when I'm starving low priority tasks. Ideally I'd like to have CPU utilization by task so I know what is eating up all my CPU time. I know this is a built in feature in many operating systems but …
How to use nanosleep () in C? What are `tim.tv_sec` and …
Nov 10, 2015 · cool. Just one more question. I am testing this using gettimeofday() twice and getting the difference. I therefore got a difference of half a second. But there was also a very small fraction of a sec, due to cpu processing time assume. How can i calculate this and subtract it from the my sleep time. my time came up as: 0.501033 sec –
How to get the system time with date in milliseconds in c/c++ on …
Jan 30, 2017 · I have tried below to get the system time with date in miliseconds. It works fine on Linux platform but could not work on VXworks. I need similar solution for vxworks. #include <sys/time.h>...