How to setup VS Code for C++ with clangd support?
Sep 7, 2018 · See the VS Code Clangd extension's Project Setup docs, which state: you must tell clangd how your project is built (compile flags). A compile_commands.json file can usually be generated by your build system (e.g. with CMake, by setting -DCMAKE_EXPORT_COMPILE_COMMANDS=1). See Project Setup in the clangd documentation for details and alternatives.
What is VSCode User Setup for Windows? - Stack Overflow
Aug 20, 2018 · On a Windows workstation after a recent update of VSCode I'm prompted (recommended) to install a "User Setup Distribution of VSCode for Windows" The link for more info leads to: Download User Setup. If you are a current user of the system-wide Windows setup, you will be prompted to switch to the user setup, which we recommend using from now on.
python - How to use Flake8 in VSCode? - Stack Overflow
VSCode changed the linting settings. The recommended way to do it now is using an extension. So install Flake8 extension. Newer versions of the extension has an Flake8 linter embedded. So you don't need to install it in your machine. VSCode documentation about linting improved a lot. Take a look, but is a summary: Install Flake8 extension
Difference between User and System Installer of Visual Studio Code
Jan 6, 2022 · Download User Setup. If you are a current user of the system-wide Windows setup, you will be prompted to install user setup, which we recommend using from now on. Don't worry, all your settings and extensions will be kept during the transition. During installation, you will also be prompted to uninstall the system-wide setup.
How to setup Visual Studio Code with OpenGL? - Stack Overflow
Jan 10, 2017 · The VSCode setup is mostly the same. Make sure that, once you have setup the C/C++ extension correctly, to look at the documentation for your environment, which are at the bottom of the official "C/C++ for Visual Studio Code" documentation page. However, the bigger problem is usually how to get it to compile.
inno setup - How to install Visual Studio Code silently (without …
Mar 3, 2017 · I checked Inno Setup's documentation (that's what the Visual Studio Code installer uses), but there's nothing related to disabling Visual Studio Code autostart (even on very silent installation). There might be a way by using /COMPONENTS, /TASKS or /MERGETASKS, but for that I need to know what is already available for use.
visual studio code - How to reinstall VSCode without losing …
Feb 8, 2017 · After being updated to 1.9.0, some features of the editor just stopped working here. I tried to run with --disable-extensions option and the problem persisted. Now I want to reinstall to check if ...
How do I setup VSCODE to create Maven projects?
Jun 3, 2020 · C:\Users\user1\.vscode\extensions\vscjava.vscode-maven-0.21.4\resources\maven-wrapper Now when I try to create the Maven project, I just get the following in TERMINAL window and no project is created:
How to set CMake build configuration in VSCode?
Aug 12, 2022 · If the icon is not there, open VSCode in a folder with a CMakeLists.txt and it should appear. Hover over PROJECT STATUS on the left side bar and click the Open visibility Settings icon. This will open a JSON settings file for the CMake extension. The "cmake.options.advanced" option should have three entries: build, launch and debug.
How do I set up Visual Studio Code to compile C++ code?
Dec 10, 2017 · Note that, in theory, this file is supposed to work if you put it in the workspace root, so that you aren't stuck checking files in hidden directories (.vscode) into your revision control system. I have yet to see that actually work; test it, but if it fails, put it in .vscode. Either way, the IDE will bitch if it isn't there anyway.