3 days ago · This violin and fiddle tuner is not only easy to use but educational in that you can see all four strings which are clearly marked as well as the pegs and notes. LEARN TO PLAY THE VIOLIN FOR FREE! Free Violin Lessons and Video Tutorials
How to tune a violin, How to tune a fiddle | LEARN TO PLAY THE …
Feb 13, 2025 · From there you can tune the G which as the same relative interval between itself and the D. Finally you can tune the E the same way and in most cases using the fine-tuner. Fortunately all 3 open string intervals are the same on the …
Practice and tuning tools - Violin and Fiddle | LEARN TO PLAY THE ...
Hold the violin – Begin with your legs comfortably spread at about shoulder width apart. Start by placing the violin on your left shoulder/collar bone, lifting your chin slightly and placing the end pin of the violin towards the center of your neck. Lower your jaw/chin so that it rests comfortably on the chin-rest. Find a good comfort zone.
Electronic Tuner Hack for Violin Perfect Fifths
Apr 15, 2019 · FYI, my violin teacher gently, LOL, suggested I download "TE Tuner" on my phone and actually use it on occasion! I just checked and it seems to have a toggle in the upper left corner for 14 different temperaments... all yours (and a metronome) for $3.99.
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Fiddle talk - VIOLIN DISCUSSION FORUM - Playing the violin
Feb 16, 2014 · It is No. 274. It has a light amber finish in reasonably good condition with a few tiny nicks from wear. I purchased the violin from the estate of a concert player, well known in the area at the time. The violin was exhibited in competition at the Cincinnati Centennial Exposition and was awarded a gold medal for tone and workmanship.
Fiddle talk - VIOLIN DISCUSSION FORUM - Playing the violin
Feb 24, 2015 · The fine tuner is fine. Boy does that sound weird... ha! But seriously, it's not the fine tuner, it's that the bottom of the fine tuner sort of scratched/dug in a little to the wood of the violin. Maybe I'll go ahead and get a better picture of the damage. That is what I'm concerned may make taking to a luthier a waste of time for me...
Learn to Play Violin/Fiddle for Free - Meet other Fiddlers
Never touched a violin before? START HERE; Check out the result of our 2024 Fiddlerman Group Christmas Project. Online learning tools – Violin learning games, tuner, metronome and more. New learning series, “A Tune a Week” featuring your requests. Fingerboard chart – Rhythm chart – Staffs, measures, time signatures.
Fiddle talk - VIOLIN DISCUSSION FORUM - Playing the violin
Nov 30, 2021 · Everything I've read so far says physically, the Carnatic Violin is the same as a Western Violin - only the tuning is different, it's specific for playing in only one key. @BillyG - The 1st thing that came to my mind was also the Octave strings - and Fiddlershop carries THREE different brands of them, now.
Fiddle talk - VIOLIN DISCUSSION FORUM - Playing the violin
Sep 18, 2013 · And the violin I played as a child (and still have) only had fine tuners on the A and E strings but none on the D and G strings. So I am sort of used to just tuning with the pegs. Any thoughts on this. Should I stick with the composite tailpiece and 4 fine tuners or go with a quality wood tailpiece and only 1 tuner on the E ?