Kai | Memory Alpha | Fandom
The kai was the religious leader of the Bajorans, elected from among and by the Vedek Assembly to a life term. A symbol of strength and unity to the Bajorans for centuries, the kai's religious …
Winn Adami | Memory Alpha | Fandom
The former depicts her as one of the leaders of the Bajoran dissident movement against the Klingon-Cardassian Alliance as well as Jaro's wife, whereas in the latter, she is depicted as a …
Bareil Antos | Memory Alpha - Fandom
During the waning years of the Occupation, Bareil became a gardener at the Bajoran Monastery of the Kai and his own goal was to plant the most beautiful Feloran bromeliads on the planet. …
Bajoran - Wikipedia
After Kai Opaka departed in 2369, the election of a new Kai from the members of the Vedek Assembly led to the election of Kai Winn, who remained Kai until her demise in 2375. The …
List of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine characters - Wikipedia
Kai Winn Adami (Louise Fletcher) is the Kai, the religious leader of Bajor. She held the title of Vedek during the Cardassian occupation of Bajor , and claimed to have been beaten for her …
Bareil Antos | Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki | Fandom
A member of the Bajoran Faith, Bareil was a Vedek who was a member of the Vedek Assembly, and one of the main candidates to succeed Opaka Sulan as Kai until the election of Winn …
The Collaborator (Star Trek: Deep Space Nine) - Wikipedia
In this episode, the station's first officer, Major Kira, finds herself investigating Vedek Bareil, a high-ranking cleric in the Bajoran religious hierarchy, when pursuing allegations that he …
"Star Trek: Deep Space Nine" The Collaborator (TV Episode 1994) - IMDb
The Collaborator: Directed by Cliff Bole. With Avery Brooks, Rene Auberjonois, Alexander Siddig, Terry Farrell. Vedek Bareil's targeted by fellow Kai candidate, Vedek Winn as having been a …
Winn Adami - Villains Wiki | Fandom
After the disappearance of Kai Opaka, Vedek Winn emerged as one of the main candidates as the next Kai. One of the other candidates was fellow Vedek Bareil Antos , who held a much …
Everything You Need to Know About Winn Adami | Star Trek
Aug 24, 2022 · Representing the head of the Bajoran spiritual leadership, Winn coveted the role of the Kai. She was up against Vedek Bareil in the election for the position and, in order to …