Teton County, WY | Official Website
Teton County/Teton County Town and County Endorse Community Wildfire Protection Plan The plan was endorsed by Town Council and County Commissioners on March 3, 2025.
Government - Teton County, WY
The mission of Teton County, Wyoming government is to support the well-being of its residents by providing responsive and efficient services; providing programs that contribute to public health, safety, and welfare; and supporting the community`s goals as expressed in the Teton County Comprehensive Plan.
Maps - Teton County, WY
Access the map server, which holds voter precinct maps, the county zoning map and other maps. Map of Historical & Significant Properties (PDF) View a listing and map of historical and significant properties in the Town of Jackson and Teton County.
County Clerk - Teton County, WY
The County Clerk`s Office is mandated by the Wyoming State Legislature to provide a variety of services to the citizens of Teton County. Our goal is to provide these services in the most efficient, cost-effective manner possible.
Job Postings - Teton County, WY
For recruitment inquires, questions, or if you need help with your application, please email [email protected] or call (307) 732-8489.
Sales Tax | Teton County, WY
Effective January 1, 2016, Wyoming Sales Tax must be paid to the County Treasurer within 65 days of the date of purchase. After 65 days, additional penalties and interest will be due. If you are calculating tax on a sale that occurred more than 65 days ago, please contact your County Treasurer for the amount of penalties and interest due.
Assessor | Teton County, WY
The Teton County Assessor`s Office appraises approximately 15,200 parcels of property each year (residential, commercial, vacant land and personal property) which represent an approximate market value of $18 billion dollars.
Elections - Teton County, WY
Aug 20, 2024 · ABSENTEE VOTING BEGINS - Tuesday October 8, 2024 in the County Administration Building (200 S. Willow) from 8am-5pm. Voter Registration is closed October 21st - November 4th, 2024.. You may still register at the absentee polling place during this timeframe, but you must vote that day.
Voter Registration Information - Teton County, WY
The easiest way to register to vote before Election day is to stop by the Teton County Clerk’s office at 200 S. Willow Street, Jackson, WY 83001. We are located in the basement of the County Administration Building.
Our County | Teton County, WY
View important information regarding property in Teton County such as taxes, building, appraisals, and much more. Maps View location details and important pathways for residents and visitors of Teton County.