Taikomochi - Wikipedia
Taikomochi (太鼓持), also known as hōkan (幇間), were the original male geisha of Japan. The Japanese version of the jester, taikomochi were once attendants to daimyō (feudal lords) from …
The Unknown World of Male Geishas - Culture Trip
Jan 5, 2018 · Shrouded in mythical legends and misunderstandings, there’s a lot for outsiders to learn about the geisha, but one of the more interesting facts is the existence of taikomochi – …
Male Geisha Existed for Centuries Before Female Ones - Tokyo …
Feb 10, 2023 · The doboshu soon became known as hanashishu (storytellers), hokan (jesters), or taikomochi (drum-bearers). There is an interesting, most likely apocryphal story about that last …
What Are Male Geisha Called? – What You Need To Know!
Geishas are a popular symbol of Japanese culture. This term is used to describe Japanese female performers. Geisha are renowned for their unique singing and dancing performances. …
Memoirs of the Male Geisha in Tokyo, Japan - The Planet D
Oct 13, 2023 · The “taikomochi,” often referred to as the “male geisha” of Japan, represents an intriguing yet less explored facet of Japanese entertainment. The term “taikomochi” translates …
Taikomochi - Ethnic Jewels Magazine
The Taikomochi were jesters, musicians, singers and story tellers. They entertained their feudal lords in 13th Century Japan. Taikomochi were connoisseurs of the Arts and masters of the tea …
Los taikomochi o “geishas hombres” en Japón | ¿Quiénes eran?
Los Taikomochi, también conocido como hōkan, fueron las geishas masculinas originales de Japón. Si bien el mayor referente son las geishas mujeres, ellos son una figura bastante …
Hokan (Professional entertainer) - Japanese Wiki Corpus
Hokan is also called 'taikomochi' (professional jester, professional entertainer, comedian, buffoon), or 'otoko geisha' (male geisha). They were also reverentially called 'tayushu.'
Taikomochi - JAPAN BOX
Taikomochi (太鼓持) or hókan (幇間), was the name of the Japanese male geisha. The Japanese equivalent of the court jester, who accompanied the daimyo (feudal lord) from the 13th century …
Taikomochi or Houkan, the Male Counterpart to the Geisha
Jan 13, 2004 · The taikomochi, or the houkan, were the original male geisha of Japan. The Japanese version of the jester, these men were once attendants to daimyo (feudal lords) from …