Top speed of your sunbird?? - iboats Boating Forums
Feb 28, 2011 · 1994 Sunbird Corsair 200 open bow (haven't seen many of these around) with the 5.0 Ford. Hit 52 on GPS with two people on board and a quarter tank of gas roughly, but I was overrevving by a little bit according to the tach.
Sunbird Odyssey | Boating Forum - iboats Boating Forums
May 16, 2018 · I am new to iboats, Been boating forever, owned many skiffs/ flat bottom bay boats, a 70's tri hull, a v cuddy and a couple of pontoons. I "acquired" a Deck Boat true Tri-Hull from a buddy, he's owned it for 12 years and bought a new boat. I'm a little nervous about this thing, I am not as young...
Sunbird boat worth it or not? - iboats Boating Forums
Oct 14, 2005 · Re: Sunbird boat worth it or not? I currently own a 1997 Sunbird Neptune 201 (19.5ft) which is their salt water outboard(150hp Johnson) bow rider. We bought the boat new and so far have not had any major problems. Overall we have enjoyed the boat both in salt water fishing and on a fresh water lake for recreation (sking and cruising).
Are Sunbird boats any good? - iboats Boating Forums
Mar 8, 2004 · Re: Are Sunbird boats any good? I am looking at a 1998 Sunbird Neptune Center Console 23' with a 2000 200hp Evinrude. It comes with a Long roller trailer in execellent condition, all electronics, a potty in the console. Live bait well, built in cooler all the regular stuff, ancor fire extingusher, life jackets, T-bag, T-top for 13,500.
Sunbird Neptune 201 boats; any thoughts - Boating Forum
Jun 3, 2015 · Just seeing what you think about the Sunbird Neptune 201 - 19 foot boats Some people have talked about the build quality not being great, electrical problems, price, etc. So I just wanted to see what you also think about the boats. Thanks
looking for a repair guide for a 1994 sunbird sizzler with an omc115
Jan 29, 2015 · I am needing a repair guide for the wiring and misc items on my 94 sunbird sizzler with a 115 0mc. thank for any help I can get the boat starts but there are misc wires and hoses that have been cut plugged and want to make it right before i attempt to put it into the water as I just picked it up. VR SPC Steven deGroot .
1997 Sunbird Neptune 160cc (60hp Johnson) - Boating Forum
Jan 5, 2008 · Re: 1997 Sunbird Neptune 160cc (60hp Johnson) Oil injection is not the same as fuel injection. My Johnson had carbs and oil injection. Even if the motor does have the oil injection feature, you can NOT assume it is in working order. Sad to say, but many, many guys deliberately disable this device and mix in the tank instead.
Advice on buying 1990 Sunbird Corsair 185 - Boating Forum
Jul 8, 2010 · Sunbird and OMC are both out of business. Parts can be a pain. Not the worst but occasionally you might run into something very hard to find. I'm working on a sunbird 188 (the cuddy) and his is a very nice boat and not in even near that good of condition. My personal opinion judging from the pics, 3500 seems like a fair price.
Sunbird Gas Tank Capicity - iboats Boating Forums
Jan 12, 2004 · Re: Sunbird Gas Tank Capicity Sunbird, I own a 1991 Sunbird Corsair 205 which, when I bought it, was told holds 33 gallons. I bought it a little over a year ago and have never filled the tank from empty..always filled it before gauge went below 1/2 -- never trusted boat gauges, especially the fuel gauge!
1998 Sunbird Sizzler?? | Boating Forum - iboats Boating Forums
Jul 21, 2008 · Sunbird Boats . 1998 Sunbird Sizzler?? Thread starter mozz; Start date Jul 21, 2008; M. mozz Recruit ...