Stitch Fun: Stacked Herringbone – It’s Double, but it’s Not
Jan 31, 2025 · Today, we’re going to enjoy a bit of Stitch Fun – musing about a stitch, wondering about its name, and showing you how it’s worked. Stitch Fun! is this series of stitching tutorials here on Needle ‘n Thread. In the series, we explore different embroidery stitches mostly as combinations or composites, used in different ways and offering ...
Embroidery Stitch Templates – for Straight & Uniform Stitches
Jun 28, 2019 · Then, you stitch the line by following your dot pattern that’s left on the fabric. Simple! Pros & Cons. Like any product, there are pros and cons to the stitch templates. The pros are pretty obvious: You can easily and quickly mark a line for embroidery using the templates, ensuring a consistent, even line of stitching that can be further ...
10 Hand Embroidery Stitches for Stems & Branches
Aug 10, 2018 · Chain stitch makes a great filling, too, and would work well on a tree trunk. You can even mix chain stitch in with other stitches (like stem stitch and outline stitch) to add new texture to the tree. To whip chain stitch, the method is exactly the same as that used for whipping backstitch. 6. Fly Stitch
How To Videos – NeedlenThread.com
Palestrina Stitch (Twilling, Double Knot Stitch, Old English Knot Stitch, Smyrna Stitch, Tied Coral Stitch) Palestrina Stitch, Reversed (see Knotted Pearl Stitch) Pistil Stitch (Elongated French Knots) Plait Stitch (see Basket Stitch; also called Spanish Stitch) Plaited Braid Stitch Portuguese Knotted Stem Stitch. Q R. Raised Cup Stitch
Needlepainting – NeedlenThread.com
The stitch commonly used in needlepainting is long and short stitch, although other stitches are sometimes employed to achieve a realistic look to the image. Needlepainting can achieve very fine, artistic detail. The technique is sometimes combined with goldwork to good effect. Related posts: Long and Short Stitch Shading Lessons
16 Filling Stitches for Embroidery - NeedlenThread.com
May 22, 2015 · Another stitch more often associated with lines, chain stitch makes a terrific filling! You can work chain stitch as a filling in the traditional manner of working chain stitch, filling the area by working rows close together. These articles on tambour embroidery will show you what chain stitch looks like when worked as a filling. If you feel ...
Beginner’s Guide to Crewel Embroidery – NeedlenThread.com
Apr 6, 2008 · The author gives detailed instructions on common stitches and techniques used in crewel work: stem stitch, chain stitch, split stitch, satin stitch, fly stitch, buttonhole stitch, detached buttonhole, spider’s web stitch, French knots, laid filling, soft shading, and bullion knots. She doesn’t just give them to you as a dictionary, though.
I Considered Long and Short Stitch – NeedlenThread.com
Jan 31, 2010 · Your buttonhold stitch and french knots look very nice, and I wouldn’t rip them out! For purposes of information: I have a book by Ada Wentworth Fitzwilliam and A. F. Morris Hands, Jacobean Embroidery: Its Forms and Fillings, Including Late Tudor, A Batsford Embroidery Paperback (London, 1928; repr. 1990), which shows a flower remarkably like yours (on pp. 12 …
Video Tutorial: Coral Stitch – NeedlenThread.com
Jul 21, 2008 · Coral stitch is an integral part of Schwalm embroidery, a type of whitework that employs coral stitch and chain stitch to outline areas of drawn and pulled thread fillings. The coral knot can also be used in drawn thread embroidery , to gather threads into bunches.
Harvest Hues Project Index – NeedlenThread.com
Oct 1, 2024 · They happen in many arts and crafts fields and go by different names. In the needlework industry, stitch-alongs might be an embroidery stitch-along or a cross stitch stitch-along, but they could be quilting stitch-alongs, knitting stitch-alongs, crocheting stitch-alongs, and so forth. Here on Needle ‘n Thread, they’re embroidery stitch-alongs.