Stanhopea - Wikipedia
Stanhopea is a genus of the orchid family (Orchidaceae) from Central and South America. [2] The abbreviation used in horticultural trade is Stan. The genus is named for the 4th Earl of …
Stanhopea - The American Orchid Society
Stanhopeas are notoriously resentful of disturbance. Once established the plants rarely need repotting and when repotted root disturbance should be kept to a minimum. The more …
Stanhopeas — The Stanhopea Guy
Jan 9, 2025 · Stanhopea maculosa. Found in Mexico around 1000 to 1800 metres. This grows well for me in Sydney. Flowering most years, normally around late December. This is one of …
The Stanhopea Pages by Nina Rach, edited November 2011
Nov 26, 2011 · It includes listings, descriptions, and illustrations of all known species and hybrids, a complete bibliography, as well as award history, cultural information, discussion and list of …
Stanhopea Culture Sheet - American Orchid Society
Further information can be found on the Stanhopea genus page. Best orchid care practices are also provided for watering , repotting , and fertilizer types . There are also detailed discussions …
Stanhopea, Coryanthes & Gongora Care Sheet - Carter and …
Stanhopeas, Gongoras, and Coryanthes are loosely related to Lycaste and Zygopetalums and share much of the same plant structure. Large firm bulbs topped with thin foliage and thick …
Stanhopeinae Orchid Care - OrchidWeb
Stanhopea Orchid Care. Species of the Stanhopea Alliance have large, dramatic flowers with complex mechanisms for pollination, including channeled ‘walkways’ for insects, and fragrant …
Stanhopea oculata care and culture | Travaldo's blog
Stanhopea oculata is native to Mexico, Belize, Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama, North America and Brazil. In Mexico, the natural habitat of these plants …
Stanhopea Species List
Nov 30, 1997 · SUBFAMILY Epidendroideae, TRIBE Gongoreae, SUBTRIBE Stanhopeinae. From Mexico to Brazil this genus is hard to beat for it's size and beautifully odd, complexity, …
Stanhopea Alliance - American Orchid Society
The Stanhopea Alliance consists of some 20 genera and about 270 species distributed throughout the humid tropics from the Tropic of Cancer in Mexico to the Tropic of Capricorn in …