There is a Postural SMCD affecting Cervical Flexion. This includes Cervical Spine, Thoracic Spine and Shoulder Girdle postural dysfunction. FN Bilat. If Passive Supine Cervical Flexion (PSCF) …
Movement Chapter 8: SFMA Assessment Breakout Descriptions …
Jul 8, 2013 · These issues are also known as stability or motor control dysfunction (SMCD). Most conventional therapies would treat these complaints by strengthening the stabilizers, but this is …
SMCD FN If no previous Orange Boxes consider this a Postural &/ or Shoulder Girdle SMCD. Otherwise treat orange boxes first. SFMA Certification - Ver 15
SFMA: Multi-Segmental Flexion and Breakouts - The Student …
The Selective Functional Movement Assessment (SFMA) is a systematic method that focuses on whole body movement patterns. You might be familiar with the Functional Movement Screen …
There is Postural &/ or SMCD affecting Cervical Extension. If Passive Supine Cervical Rotation (PSCR) was DP or DN then treat as Lower Cervical Rotational JMD &/or TED. If PSCR was …
Weight-bearing Hip and/ or Core SMCD - If hip extension and/or shoulder flexion are DN, treat those first.
Selective Functional Movement Assessment (SFMA)
The SFMA enables the evaluating clinician or therapist to identify and treat regions in the body that lack mobility (range of motion), or stability (motor control), allowing for an accurate …
Your guide to addressing Stability/Motor Control Dysfunction through progressive postures, loads, and reflex activation.
SFMA: Rolling - The Student Physical Therapist
In a recent post, we discussed our experience learning the Selective Functional Movement Assessment (SFMA). A large component of the SFMA is utilizing Rolling Patterns. These …
SFMA ASSESSMENT BREAKOUT DESCRIPTIONS AND FLOWCHARTS SFM A. Cervical Spine Extension Stability or Motor Control Dysfunction (SMCD) Cervical extension is the last …