Gull - Wikipedia
Gulls, or colloquially seagulls, are seabirds of the subfamily Larinae. They are most closely related to terns and skimmers, distantly related to auks, and even more distantly related to waders.
21 Amazing Facts About Seagulls: A Comprehensive Look!
Oct 26, 2023 · Seagulls are a diverse group of birds, with over 50 species found worldwide. Among these species, four types are particularly common: the common gull, the herring gull, the little gull, and the yellow-legged gull. These four species are known for their distinctive appearance, with varying sizes, colors, and markings.
Amazing Facts about Seagulls | OneKindPlanet Animal Education …
Seagulls are attentive and caring parents. The male and female pair for life and they take turns incubating the eggs, and feeding and protecting the chicks. Gulls have a complex and highly developed repertoire for communication which includes a range of …
Seagull Facts & Info - Animal Corner
Gulls, known colloquially as seagulls, belong to the seabird family Laridae. There are 10 genera of gulls, and they are most closely related to the terns (family Sternidae) and only distantly related to auks, skimmers and even more distantly to waders.
30 Types of Seagulls: A Fascinating Look at Their Diversity - Outforia
Aug 14, 2023 · There are 50 species of seagulls worldwide, belonging to the bird family Laridae. Seagulls are intelligent, adaptable birds, found not only on coasts but also inland waters and bogs. Seagulls are omnivorous and can eat a wide variety of food, from human leftovers to fish and crustaceans.
Gull | Seabirds, Migration & Adaptations | Britannica
Mar 3, 2025 · gull, any of more than 40 species of heavily built web-footed seabirds of the gull and tern family Laridae (order Charadriiformes). Several genera are usually recognized for certain specialized gulls, but many authorities place these in the broad genus Larus.
Seagull Bird Facts - Larus argentatus - A-Z Animals
May 27, 2024 · “Seagulls are symbols of versatility and freedom in traditional Native American cultures.” Among the most tenacious and clever foragers on the planet, the seagull belongs to a family of birds that lives near the coast. There are more …
20 Types of Seagulls, Species, Identification and Photos - TRVST
Apr 12, 2024 · Seagulls, often called "gulls," are members of the Laridae family and the suborder Lari. This family includes approximately 100 species in 22 genera, including gulls, terns, noddies, and skimmers. According to the World Bird List, seagulls have 53 …
20 Interesting Facts About Seagulls - Bird Sphere
Seagulls have strong, sturdy bodies. Their legs are elongated, and their feet are webbed. Their bright yellow beaks are usually yellow in color. Beyond their physical description, seagulls embrace a variety of attributes and behaviors that truly set them apart. Let’s take a look. That’s right. Seagulls mate for life.
Gull - New World Encyclopedia
Gull is the common name for any of the aquatic birds comprising the family Laridae, characterized by long and narrow wings, strong bills that are hooked at the end, webbed feet, and normally white or gray plumage with gray or black markings on the head or wings.