Scotch-Irish Americans - Wikipedia
In the 1820s and 1830s, Jackson supporters emphasized his Irish background, as did supporters of James Knox Polk, but since the 1840s it has been uncommon for a Protestant politician in …
Scottish Heritage | Nevada Society of Scottish Clans - NVSSC
With the crumbling of the Roman Empire, Irish pirates sensed opportunity sensed opportunity and began attacking the British Isles in the fourth century AD. Called Scots, these raiders at first …
HOME | Nevada Society of Scottish Clans
Founded in 1982, the Nevada Society of Scottish Clans is dedicated to celebrating and perpetuating the cultural heritage of Scotland and its people, including ancient customs, …
Celtic Culture Day in Reno | NVSSC
Sep 8, 2024 · People of Celtic heritage have had a big impact on Nevada history, from John Mackay and Senator McCarran to Scottish ranchers and Cornish miners. Come learn more …
The Las Vegas Highland Games
We are dedicated to promoting Celtic heritage in Southern Nevada. We do that by throwing the annual Las Vegas Highland Games, as well as supporting other local groups such as the …
Home - Northern Nevada Sons and Daughters of Erin
Established in 1969 The Sons and Daughters of Erin, a non-profit Irish heritage organization open to all folks with an interest in promoting Irish heritage and culture, enjoying camaraderie and …
Scots-Ir... - Clark County Nevada Genealogical Society (CCNGS)
The best resources for finding your Scots-Irish ancestors, including websites, books and organizations.
Nevada Society of Scottish Clans - COSCA
The mission of the Nevada Society of Scottish Clans is the perpetuation of ancient customs, literature, music, games, history and dress of Scotland and its people. The Society fulfills this …
The Scots-Irish in the Southern United States: An Overview
Oct 16, 2009 · Who were the Scots-Irish? The term Scots-Irish is generally used to refer to people whose ancestors originated in Scotland, but who lived in Ireland, sometimes for several …
Kilts & Kegs: Beer Launch and Fundraiser - Northern Nevada Sons …
Mar 14, 2025 · Join us at the Kilts & Kegs Official Launch Party of “Outlander” Irish Stout by the Brewer’s Cabinet! This special event not only celebrates the introduction of this legendary …