Santo Daime - Wikipedia
Santo Daime ([ˈsɐ̃tu ˈdajmi]) is a universalistic/syncretic religion founded in the 1930s in the Brazilian Amazonian state of Acre based on the teachings of Raimundo Irineu Serra, [1] …
Introdução - Santo Daime
A Doutrina do Santo Daime, segundo nossos estatutos, é uma prática religiosa cristã, ecumênica, que repudia toda forma de fanatismo, sectarismo, racismo e intolerância religiosa.
Santo Daime - Religion of the Forest - What is our Religion
We praise God, Jesus Christ, saints, angels and spiritual beings of many cultures, especially the Christian, Indigenous and African ones. The use of the Santo Daime sacrament is done in the …
The rise of Brazil’s Santo Daime religion - New Humanist
Sep 23, 2019 · Santo Daime is an amalgamation of different faiths. Its sermons feature elements of Catholicism, African rituals and indigenous traditions. Daime (“Holy Give Me” in Portuguese) …
The Sacred Drink of the Forest:An Exploration of the Santo Daime ... - SMU
May 24, 2012 · The heart of the Santo Daime tradition is the sacramental ingestion of a psychoactive tea called the "Daime" (known in other contexts as ayahuasca, hosca, or yagé), …
Santo Daime - Encyclopedia.com
Santo Daime is a new religion founded in Brazil at the beginning of the twentieth century when Raimundo Irineu Serra was introduced to the use of a powerful hallucinogenic brew called …
Santo-daime – Wikipédia, a enciclopédia livre
O Santo Daime é uma manifestação religiosa surgida na região amazônica nas primeiras décadas do século XX.Consiste em uma Doutrina espiritualista que tem como base o uso …
Santo Daime | SpringerLink
Jun 22, 2018 · Santo Daime is the most well-known of the Brazilian ayahuasca religions – syncretic religious movements that have emerged from the social-economic relations of the …
Santo Daime - newreligiousmovements.org
Santo Daime is a religious movement that originated in the Brazilian Amazon in the early 20th century. Founded by Raimundo Irineu Serra, a Brazilian of African descent, it incorporates …
What is The Santo Daime? The Santo Daime is a sacred medicine path originating in the Amazon basin of Brazil. It is a spiritual path of healing, self-knowledge, and personal and spiritual …