Saggio Art | Home
Saggio delivered beautiful and unique oil paintings and murals throughout Europe and for corporate lobbies on the West Coast and East Coast. Today, smart art collectors prize them for their unique, one-of-a-kind quality and collectability.
Saggio Art | Saggio Art Story
Saggio’s list of exhibitions spans four decades, from 1965 to 2005. Best known for abstract contemporary oil paintings, many Saggio murals and paintings have been displayed in museums, galleries, and the lobbies of business headquarters all over the world.
Summer In The City - Saggio Art
Dec 1, 2023 · The Finest Art for the most refined and discriminating art lovers and collectors in the world "Summer in the City" is an extraordinary piece, especially given that it is not just a painting but a one-of-a-kind large mural from the Spectacular Saggio Art Collection.
Features of Saggio Art
Features of Saggio Art Each piece of Saggio Art is wonderful, captivating, and unique. The story you can share about the inspiration and creation. Each painting is unique. No two are execly alike. The smart investment. The the pride of ownership. Each painting offers a story you can share about the inspiration and creation. A Place of Dreams
Saggio Art | Chief Curator
Orlando, Florida, – 2021 – The Chief Curator for Saggio Art Collection is Frank Candy. He studied the arts all over the world. His collections include oil paintings by Saggio, nature photography, antique advertising art, and pop culture.
Saggio Art | Exhibitions of Saggio Art
SAGGIO ART Global Exhibition List 1965 – 2005. 1965 - XI Biennale Internazionale d’Arti - Venezia II dopoguerra: La pittura in Italia - Castello Estense Ferrara. 1966 - Proposta per una raccolta d’arti moderna - Toninelli Arti Moderna - Milano Disegni Italiani moderni, - Centro Culturale Olivetti
Saggio Art - Forgiveness and Gratitude | The Evangelist
Dec 28, 2023 · Picture yourself immersed in conversations with family, friends, equestrians, cowboys, authors, and philanthropists, sharing the compelling tale of your latest addition from the Spectacular Saggio Art Collection.
Saggio Art - Forgiveness and Gratitude | Leading the Way Home
Saggio's classic masterpiece, the awe-inspiring "Leading the Way Home," has remained veiled in the curator's private vault for over a decade, a symbol of unparalleled artistry that now graces The Saggio Art Collection, Volume 3: The Gratitude and Forgiveness Edition.
Saggio Art | A View From the Top
The Finest Art for the most refined and discriminating art lovers and collectors in the world "A View From The Top" stands as a one-of-a-kind oil painting, a coveted gem within the exclusive Spectacular Saggio Art Collection.
Saggio Art - Forgiveness and Gratitude | Master of Heavenly Songs
The value of contemporary art like "Masters of Heavenly Songs" extends beyond the visual, inspiring profound emotions, reshaping perspectives, and encapsulating the spirit of joy and time. As part of the renowned Spectacular Saggio Art Collection, this masterpiece beckons the attention of collectors and art enthusiasts.