What is a MSI afterburner and rivatuner app : r/techsupport - Reddit
Nov 9, 2023 · MSI afterburner is a overclocking utility that also comes bundled with rivatuner statistics server. Which allows it to monitor things like framerate, GPU utilization, frametimes, and display them on your screen when you play games. And it is indeed known that this overlay (rivatuner statistics server, RTSS) tend to cause issues in some games.
how do i install rivatuner without msi afterburner? : r/MSI_Gaming
Mar 18, 2023 · Since I downloaded the latest version of Afterburner and it came with Rivatuner 7.3.5, should I just uninstall both and reinstall Afterburner and install Rivatuner 7.3.6 separately? I'm assuming that's what "clean" install meant but not 100% sure. Sorry for all the questions lol.
How important is Rivatuner Statistics Server? : r/pcmasterrace
Sep 20, 2020 · I'm putting back together my computers software and I'm just wary of how useful Rivatuner was for my games. I have a Freesync monitor and a 5700XT (upgrading to RTX 3080, one of the lucky ones that was able to place a pre-order), is it still necessary for me to have RTSS installed for the best gameplay experience? Or only for specific games?
GPU OC & in-game stats: Afterburner/Rivatuner or something else?
Jan 2, 2023 · Agree. MSI Afterburner is bundled with RivaTuner and I run it before every game, and turn it off when done; I track CPU Temp, GPU Temp, GPU Fan RPM and Framerate. I don't overclock and I don't touch stock Adrenaline settings (Wattman) FWIW, a few games don't like it, like FIFA mentioned above, and Forza 5.
I created a RivaTuner overlay for Windows based on the Steam
Mar 12, 2023 · 2: Go to: C:\Program Files (x86)\RivaTuner Statistics Server\Plugins\Client\Overlays 3: Unzip and copy the SteamO-Esque.ovl (or any of the others you want to use) file into this folder. 4: Open RivaTuner. 5: Click the blue 'Setup' button on the bottom of the RivaTuner window. 6: Go to 'Plugins'. 7: Double click on OverlayEditor.dll.
Scanline Sync in the latest Riva Tuner is freaking AMAZING.
Jan 17, 2019 · First of all ofcourse you need RTSS and the latest version of it, then to enable scanline sync and start testing and tweaking the tearline, first create a game profile in RTSS by selecting "Add" option in the main menu and point to .exe file of game you want to test, this will create a RTSS profile config file for that game in Program Files ...
In 2023, is it better to cap FPS via NVCP or to cap it in Rivatuner?
Tested RivaTuner across older games, AAA's, emulation, this and that (broken games like Risen too). Amazing frame pacing overall, at least provides stable frames on a bottlenecked system and on a capable rig: buttery smooth gameplay. Best setting, nothing forced thru nvidia panel, uncapped fps by game and just capping with RTSS.
How to use afterburner Overlay in CS2 - Steam Community
Oct 6, 2023 · i'm using -allow_third_party_software and rivatuner works (as u can see on my cs2 screenshots) maybe try restart pc and also enable start with windows in rivatuner. #1 Ged3.-
Alternatives to RivaTuner? : r/pcmasterrace - Reddit
Nov 19, 2023 · RivaTuner causes some of my games to crash and also blocks Discord overlay from working on certain games Archived post. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast.
MSI Afterburner: RivaTuner: How to change text colors in the OSD?
Jan 27, 2022 · Thanks. But, I don't see any color options under the "On-Screen Display" tab. If I click on "More". It takes me to the RivaTuner.. which is where I already defined the default "On-Screen Display palette" color.