Rhamnaceae - Wikipedia
The Rhamnaceae are a large family of flowering plants, mostly trees, shrubs, and some vines, commonly called the buckthorn family. [2] Rhamnaceae is included in the order Rosales. [3] …
Rhamnaceae | plant family | Britannica
Members of Rhamnaceae, or the buckthorn family, are characterized by woodiness, stamens (male) alternating with sepals (opposite petals, when present), a disk of tissue developing …
Rhamnaceae - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
Grapevines belong to the order Rhamnales, which gets its name from the genus Rhamnus, the buckthorns. The order has three families: Rhamnaceae (e.g., Ziziphus jujuba Mill., jujube tree), …
Rhamnus (plant) - Wikipedia
Rhamnus is a genus of about 140 accepted species of shrubs or small trees, commonly known as buckthorns, in the family Rhamnaceae.
Rhamnaceae: Characters, Distribution and Types - Biology …
Rhamnaceae or Indian jujube family or Buckthorn family includes 58 genera and about 900 species. The plants of this family are cosmopolitan in distribution. 1. Food:
RHAMNACEAE P. Acevedo-Rodríguez A nearly cosmopolitan family of 61 genera and ~900 species of trees, shrubs and lianas. In the Neotropics, the family is represented by 23 genera …
Rhamnaceae - SpringerLink
Deciduous or evergreen, often thorny trees, shrubs, woody climbers or lianes, rarely herbs.
Climbing Rhamnaceae are found in diverse habitats, but for the most part, they are common in lowland wet forest to drier plant formations such as dry or seasonal forest, savannas, …
Rhamnaceae in Flora of North America @ efloras.org
Old World species of Rhamnus provide yellow and green dyes as well as drugs. Wood of some species (in Alphitonia Reissek ex Endlicher, Colubrina, Hovenia, and Ziziphus) is used for …
RHAMNACEAE - ScienceDirect
Feb 1, 2003 · The family of Rhamnaceae comprises 58 genera with about 900 species worldwide (Heywood, 1993). In Northwest Europe two genera occur with a total of four species ( Tutin, …