Zambo - Wikipedia
Zambo (Spanish: [ˈθambo] or [ˈsambo]) or Sambu is a racial term historically used in the Spanish Empire to refer to people of mixed Amerindian and African ancestry. Occasionally in the 21st …
Zambo – Wikipedia, wolna encyklopedia
Zambo (hiszp. lobo; również pejoratywnie sambo) – określenie osoby pochodzącej od przodków należących do rasy czarnej i innych ras (szczególnie ludności tubylczej, np. Indian) [1] [2]. …
Zambo (the word), a definition - African American Registry
Occasionally, in the 21st century, the term is used in the Americas to refer to persons of mixed Black and Indigenous American ancestry. (The analogous English term, sambo, is a slur.) …
Zambo - Wikipedia bahasa Indonesia, ensiklopedia bebas
Zambo (bahasa Spanyol: [ˈθambo] atau [ˈsambo]) atau cafuzo (bahasa Portugis: [kɐˈfuzu]) adalah sebuah istilah rasial yang digunakan di Kekaisaran Spanyol dan Portugis dan biasanya saat …
The Spanish Colonial Casta System - Bella Vista Ranch
The names Peninsular, Criollo, Indio and Negra describe persons of "pure" racial ancestry, whereas names such as Mestizo, Mulatto, and Zambo, in addition to many other terms, …
Zambo - Encyclopedia.com
Zambo, the lowest of a series of derogatory names by which Spaniards referred to members of the racially mixed groups called castas (castes).
Zambo | people | Britannica
…time went on, as with zambo (Black-indigenous mix) and pardo (literally, “brown person,” commonly used to denote a person of African and European descent). Spanish colonists …
Mulat, Metys, Zambo – czyli nazwy potomków osób różnych ras
Sep 15, 2010 · Mulat, Metys, Zambo – czyli nazwy potomków osób różnych ras. W jednej z ostatnich porad językowych wyjaśniałem pisownię wyrazu Afroamerykanin, który ostatnimi …
Ras Manusia: 3 Ras Utama Manusia - Supergeografi
Jul 1, 2020 · Ras Kaukasoid terbagi menjadi 3 subras menurut karakteristik etnolinguistiknya, yaitu: Aryan atau Indo-European tinggal di India bagian utara, Eropa, dan Iran. Semitic hidup …
Rambo Zambo (Was is Bubatz?) (feat. Fritze Merz) - YouTube
Provided to YouTube by Raab MusicRambo Zambo (Was is Bubatz?) (feat. Fritze Merz) · Stefan Raab · Fritze MerzRambo Zambo (Was is Bubatz?) (feat. Fritze Merz)...
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