Wilcox Raid-Xe | Sniper's Hide Forum
Jul 11, 2018 · The Wilcox RAID X is being redesigned and will be known as the RAID Xe. The RAID Xe will have the same performance as the RAID X and will be available with red and green visible lasers in tan and black bodies. The Xe will also be available in an eye safe version for civilian use. Both Xe models will be available in the summer of 2021
Night Vision And then there was one — Wilcox RAID-x - Sniper's …
Feb 4, 2021 · Having used the Raid x and Mawl C1 a bit, the raid is about 10-15% better than the Mawl, if that. Now, if you need to call in air support with your full power laser, then perhaps more better than that, but for any other use, they are really close.
Night Vision And then there was one — Wilcox RAID-x - Sniper's …
Jul 10, 2020 · For IR I have MAWLs, Raptars, Perst, A3/A4, Atilla, and now the RAID-x. Plus sundry SF WMLs. I want to build the ultimate all-purpose, multi-role day/night rifle. At first I was thinking suppressed SR-15 with Elcan, CRATOS, RAID-x, and SF M600 DF.
Night Vision WTS Wilcox Raid-x and Full Power PEQ-15 FDE, …
Mar 28, 2010 · ***raid-x is Sold***As the title states I have a New Tan Wilcox Raid-x, green laser. Comes with everything. $5500 ***both sold*** one like new FDE Peq-15s for sale, full power units. Each comes with full kit. $2525 shipped each. Only trades would be NF beast, S&B PMIIs, Hensoldt 3.5-26, night vision, high end production rifles and or cash.
Wilcox Industries RAID XE in the wild! | Sniper's Hide Forum
Feb 25, 2014 · The “old” X does *not* suffer from this relatively minor anomaly. I compared my X to two different Xe’s that I own, and confirmed remotely with two other users (4x Xe’s total) and all 4 seem to exhibit the same behavior, so Xe’s with 11/22-01/23 MFG dates perform identically.
SOLD Wilcox RAID X - Sniper's Hide
Jul 9, 2024 · Wilcox RAID X with green visible laser. Asking $4100. Comes with complete kit including the Surefire dual pressure switch and two Surefire batteries. Only thing missing is the brush. Installed an L3 Harris receptacle plug to seal the crane port. Unit was mounted and only shot a few rounds and shot counter shows 18 rounds.
Night Vision Raid-X - Sniper's Hide
***SOLD**** Wilcox Raid-X black body with green laser 99% LNIP $7000 $6500 $6000 $5500 $5000 I'm kind of new here but have good feedback elsewhere. PM me and I'll show you where. I can get another here to vouch for me if need be. Trades …
WTB ISO RAID-X (or RAID-Xe) - Sniper's Hide
Apr 10, 2022 · Looking for a Wilcox unit. An XE would be awesome but I also want an X. Color doesnt matter but I would prefer FDE. No more than $4000 on the X, not sure street price on the Xe but I know the MSRP is under 3700 😔 Thanks. Here is a meme...
Night Vision - And then there was one — Wilcox RAID-x
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Night Vision WTS lightly used Wilcox RAID X black w/green vis
Dec 28, 2021 · I have a Very lightly used Wilcox RAID X, black in color,green visible laser for sale. It has seen maybe 200 rounds on an HK SP5. Comes with the case, rail switch, manuals… I am asking $5000 shipped next day/insured. Discreet PP or …