Effect of Purgative Manna on Neonatal Hyperbilirubinemia: A Systematic ...
Purgative manna is a white rather yellow sweet substance produced by an insect on Cotoneaster genus of Rosaceae Family which is called shirkhesht in Persian (13). The most substances in purgative manna are mannitol, fructose, glucose, and sucrose. About 40 to 60 percent of manna is mannitol (14).
Preventive effect of purgative manna on neonatal jaundice: A …
May 23, 2019 · The present study found that a daily intake of Purgative Manna drop prevent sever neonatal jaundice and reduce the frequency of hospitalization and increase the frequency of defecation in the intervention group neonates, potentially caused by the laxative effect of Purgative Manna.
(PDF) Preventive effect of purgative manna on neonatal jaundice: …
May 23, 2019 · Purgative Manna drop prevent sever neonatal jaundice and reduce the frequency of hospitalization and increase the frequency of defecation in the intervention group neonates, potentially caused...
Effect of Purgative Manna on Neonatal Hyperbilirubinemia: A
The aim of this systematic review was to evaluate the effect of purgative manna on the unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia in neonates. Pubmed, Scopus, Chochrane library, Iranmedex and Google scholar were last searched in February 2017. Randomized controlled trials that evaluated the effect of …
(PDF) Effect of Purgative Manna on Neonatal Hyperbilirubinemia: …
Apr 1, 2019 · Randomized controlled trials that evaluated the effect of purgative manna on the treatment of neonatal hyperbilirubinemia were included in the review. For meta-analysis, weighted mean...
Comparison of Purgative Manna Drop and Phototherapy with …
Oct 3, 2006 · Purgative manna and phototherapy, can statistically significantly reduce total bilirubin concentration at 48 hours and 72 hours compared with phototherapy alone, and reduce the length of hospital stay for jaundiced neonates at 2 …
Effect of Purgative Manna on Neonatal Hyperbilirubinemia: A …
Purgative manna is a white rather yellow sweet substance produced by an insect on Cotoneaster genus of Rosaceae Family which is called shirkhesht in Persian (13). The most substances in purgative manna are mannitol, fructose, glucose, and sucrose. About 40 to 60 percent of manna is mannitol (14).
Preventive effect of purgative manna on neonatal jaundice: A …
May 23, 2019 · Purgative manna (Shir-e-Khesht) has been used in Persian traditional medicine to reduce serum bilirubin levels of neonates. Neoneaster® is a natural health product formulated by a unique method from the manna of Cotoneaster nummularius Fisch.
The present study showed that prescribing of purgative Manna and clofibrate has no effect on reduction of serum bilirubin level in term neonates with unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia.
Comparison of Purgative Manna Drop and Phototherapy with …
Oct 3, 2019 · Purgative manna and phototherapy, can statistically significantly reduce total bilirubin concentration at 48 hours and 72 hours compared with phototherapy alone, and reduce the length of hospital stay for jaundiced neonates at 2 …