Common duiker - Wikipedia
Breeding is year round and the female gives birth to one fawn after a gestation period of 6 to 7.5 months. The common duiker has a wide diet; beyond browsing for leaves, flowers, fruits and tubers, they will also eat insects, frogs, small birds and mammals, and even carrion.
Blue duiker - SANBI
Nov 12, 2019 · Common names: blue duiker (Eng.); blouduiker, duiker (Afr.); iphiti (isiZulu); iphuthi (isiXhosa); phuti (seSotho); mhunti (Xitsonga), phonti (seTswana). The blue duiker is a very small herbivorous mammal, which inhabits the thickest coastal forests in western, southern and eastern Africa.
Common Duiker - African Mammals Guide - Kruger Park
They can live independently of water and feed on leaves, fruit and seeds. They are one of the very few antelope to have been known to eat insects and carrion. What is a Duiker? The common, or grey, Duiker is a tiny, shy antelope with only the males having short horns.
Botswana Wildlife: Animals You Will See on Safari | Go2Africa
Tswana Name: Phuti Duikers are a painfully shy and rarely spotted antelope species that are known to feed on insects, small reptiles, birds and carrion, as well as leaves, fruit and seeds. The name ‘duiker' is derived from the Afrikaans word duik, which means ‘to dive' – a humorous nod to the animal's affinity for frequently diving into ...
Duiker | Matlabas Game Hunters | Animals of the Bushveld
Oct 22, 2016 · Duiker are almost entirely browsers, feeding on leaves, twigs, bark, young shoots, pods and fruit of a wide variety of plants. They are fussy eaters and eat the newly formed leaves, buds and twigs on the end of branches. There are even observations in the scientific literature, eating small birds, lizards and mopani worms.
27 Different Types of Deer in the World (With Pictures) - Animal of …
Sep 27, 2024 · From the iconic white-tailed deer to the endangered giant sambar deer, every kind of deer is unique. This post will explore the different types of deer, their characteristics, and their habitats. So, let’s dive into the beautiful world of different kinds of deer!
150 Animal Names in Setswana (part 1) - Setswana mo Botswana
Oct 19, 2023 · * Tshwene is also used generically to refer to tailed primates/simians, similar to the way “monkey” is used in English. The focus of today's post is Setswana names of animals, birds, fish, and arthropods, listed together with their English equivalents.
phuti in English - Tswana-English Dictionary | Glosbe
Gape Bayuropa ba ne ba tla ka dipodi, dikolobe le mofuta mongwe wa phuti gore di jewe. The Europeans also released goats, pigs, and deer to provide food. Check 'phuti' translations into English. Look through examples of phuti translation in sentences, listen to …
Sesotho.web.za : Sesotho Animal word list
This page contains a list of animals in Sesotho - the general English name of the animal is noted first, followed by the scientific classification (sometimes for the exact species otherwise the family or order for general terms), as well as an Afrikaans …
Animals names in Sesotho and English - Common Sesotho …
Learn common Sesotho vocabulary with this English-to-Sesotho list of Animals names. Essential for daily conversations, this will help to build your Sesotho language skills through popular words and play Sesotho quizzes and also play picture vocabulary, play some games so …