Home - Pet Insects Live Delivery - Bugs In Cyberspace
4 days ago · Bugs In Cyberspace provides live pet insects, arachnids, and other live bugs to zoos, museums, universities, and classrooms across the country. We have been an online informational resource for passionate pet bug hobbyists everywhere since 1997.
Buy Pet Beetles - Bugs In Cyberspace
Live pet beetles are my favorite pet bug group to recommend to new keepers. All your visitors will be entertained by their lively antics! Showing 1–16 of 41 results
Live Pet Bugs Buy Pet - Bugs In Cyberspace
Complete Pet Bug Habitat Kits; Net Mesh Cages; Fruit Fly Products; Dry Food Products; Small Feeder Bugs; Large Feeder Insects; Clean Up Crews; Books & Magazines
Shop Live Pet Insects and Supplies - Bugs In Cyberspace
Variety of pet bugs or insects to choose from. Shop your favorite live pet insects from Bugs In Cyberspace. Join us.
Mantis Care Sheet - Praying Mantis Care - Bugs In Cyberspace
Creating a habitat is a fun part of the pet mantis experience. You can design your cage around the type of mantis you are raising. A silk orchid flower, for example, is a nice addition to an orchid mantis cage.
Buy Pet Tarantulas - Bugs In Cyberspace
Tarantula spider pet bugs are the most popular live bug group in the hobby with the most available species. Amazing colors and patterns in spiderlings and adults suprise new keepers more familiar with common brown US tarantulas (Aphonopelma species).
Pet Bug Cage - Bugs In Cyberspace
This new pet bug cage is excellent for a variety of pet bugs including small to medium arachnids, mantises, roaches, centipedes, millipedes and even aquatics. At the 3 to 4 inch mark there is a row of ventilation holes and then again, near the lid at the top, another set of holes.
Desert Beetle Sampler - Bugs In Cyberspace
These three beetles live well together on dried pet food and occasional bits of fruit, carrot, etc. Each of these species is usually offered individually or in groups through this website, but they are discounted here as a “sampler” group.
Aquatic Insects - Bug Exploration - Bugs In Cyberspace
The plants and microbes cycle the waste our aquatic insect pets create which in turn feeds the plants and microbes in a cyclical loop. An ecosystem in miniature. Please review the Father Fish (a YouTube creator) video below from 3/23/24 for context on how easy it …
Medium Pet Spider Habitat Kit - Bugs In Cyberspace
The Medium Pet Spider Habitat Kit works great for your juvenile pet jumping spiders, wolf spiders, tarantulas and other pet spiders that are no longer in their spiderling stages. Another way of thinking about it is if your pet spider is no longer eating fruit flies, it might be time to move it into a habitat kit this size.