Valve Technology - A Practical Guide
Mutual characteristics for variable-μ and short grid base pentodes. It is often desirable to be able to control the amplification of a valve, either manually or automatically (as in the case of AGC …
toptone: Detection and AGC in a 5 tube AC/DC radio
Feb 8, 2009 · I included measurements for AGC behaviour, detector performance, and stage gain for the original radio and several variants with improved detector gain and AGC compression. …
12K7GT @ The Valve Museum
The 12K7GT variable-mu screened pentode was designed in the 1940's for intermediate frequency amplifiers in superhet receivers where the stage gain was controlled by the …
Summary Russian Rod Pentodes - Radiomuseum
Inherently the technology leads to more linear sharp cut off pentode characteristic. This means that AGC/AVC must be implemented by g2 or g3. Limited almost linear gain control, especially …
30C17 @ The Valve Museum
The 30C17 is a triode variable-mu pentode designed for television frequency changer use. When introduced it was the first variable μ TV frequency changer to be available in the UK. The …
Rod pentodes - UK Vintage Radio Repair and Restoration …
Jul 8, 2018 · Can anyone tell me if it is possible to use a rod pentode in a Transitron /miller timebase as used in scopes tv,s etc.
Single Pentode Wien Bridge Oscillator - Radiomuseum
Jan 16, 2012 · It is the purpose of the AGC control to keep the non-inverting voltage gain from G3 to G2 at 3x to satisfy the 1/3 loss through the Wien circuit. This means that the gm of the tube …
AC2/PenDD @ The Valve Museum
The AC2/PenDD is a double signal diode and output pentode. The high mutual conductance of the pentode was designed to allow the single valve to operate as detector, AGC rectifier and …
VALVE BASICS by Harry Lythall - sm0vpo.com
Pentode valves are most often used in IF amplifier stages. The cathode decoupling capacitor may have a resistor inserted in series with it in order to reduce the gain. This would be needed in …
Pentode - Wikipedia
Graphic symbol representing a pentode of the indirectly heated cathode class Electrodes, listed from top to bottom: anode, suppressor grid, screen grid, control grid, cathode. A pentode is an …
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