PTL02 - War Thunder Wiki
The PTL02 (Simplified Chinese: PTL02 轮式突击炮; lit. wheeled assault gun) is the first wheeled assault gun in PLAGF service as part of the modernization and mechanization of PLAGF by the late 1990s.
WZ-551 - Wikipedia
Aside from IFV and APC, Chinese engineers also attempted to mount the indigenously developed Type 86 100 smoothbore cannon to the WZ-551 chassis, resulted in the Type 87 (PTL-87) assault gun prototype in 1987. Type 87 was fitted with gun-launched anti-tank missile and sophisticated fire control system, aiming to defeat Soviet T-72 and T-80 tanks.
PTL-02轮式突击炮 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
PTL-02轮式突击炮 (P-T-L分别对应炮兵-突击-轮式)又被称为 02式100毫米轮式突击炮,是 中华人民共和国 的一款轮式 突击炮 車,装备100毫米口径滑膛反坦克炮。 在中俄“和平使命”联合军事演习中,PTL-02轮式突击炮吸引了各国军事观察员的关注。 在2009年10月1日的 中华人民共和国国庆60周年阅兵式 上,PTL-02轮式突击炮排在受阅装备方队的第12位。 20世纪80年代,各国在积极研制轮式战斗车辆, 中国人民解放軍 跟踪世界军备动态,1980年代中期提出研制轮式突击炮 …
PTL02 - War Thunder Wiki
The HuoPao TuJi LunShi 02 (Simplified Chinese: PTL02 轮式突击炮; lit. wheeled assault gun) is the first wheeled assault gun in PLAGF service as part of the modernization and mechanization of PLAGF by the late 1990s.
PTL02/WMA301 Assaulter - Army Guide
The PTL02 wheeled assault gun system was based on the ZSL92 wheeled armoured vehicle, integrated with matured weapon technologies including the Type 86 100mm towed anti-tank gun and the Type 88 main battle tank (MBT).
[Development] PTL02: Chinese Wheels - News - War Thunder
Feb 17, 2021 · In War Thunder, the PTL02 will be the first high-ranked wheeled vehicle in the Chinese armored vehicle tech tree. A tank destroyer of this class was really missing in the rank V-VI setup: the vehicle is light-weight and lightly protected, but with a good gun.
PTL-02 - Army Recognition
Jun 7, 2024 · The PTL-02 or type 87 (also called WMA-301) wheeled armoured vehicle tank destroyer consists of an 6x6 chassis, and a turret armed with a 105 mm or 100 mm rifled gun. The PTL-02 is designed and manufactured by the Chinese Defense Company Norinco (China North Industries Corporation).
PTL-02 wheeled 100mm Assault Gun gun - GlobalSecurity.org
Jan 11, 2017 · This kind of wheeled assault gun is called PTL02, weighing 19 tons, is installed on the WMZ551 (ZSL92) infantry fighting vehicle to accommodate a larger turret to accommodate 100mm anti-tank...
PTL-02 | Strategic Bureau of Information
Le PTL-02 est entré en service en 2012. Le PTL-02 est développé pour doter les unités d’infanterie d’un appui-feu. Il emploie le châssis renforcé du véhicule blindé de transport de troupe à roues 6×6 WZ-551. L’armement principal est composé du canon de 100 mm. La dotation en munition est de 30 obus. L’armement est stabilisée sur deux axes. PTL-02.
PTL-02轮式突击炮 - 百度百科
PTL-02轮式突击炮(英文:PTL-02 Wheeled Tank Destroyer),是20世纪90年代末期 中国北方车辆研究所 研制的一型自行轮式反坦克火炮。 轮式突击炮(有的国家称其为轮式 反坦克炮 或轮式 坦克歼击车)是一种满足高技术条件下局部战争需要的新型突击武器,代表了新型突击支援武器和反坦克武器装备的发展方向。 在快速反应机动战中,它可作为反坦克和反装甲车辆的主要力量,直接与坦克作战;火力支援时,可为非装甲部队提供直接和机动火力支援,提高部队的快速机动能 …