What's the best way to defeat Ozma)? - GameFAQs
Nov 13, 2000 · Usually Ozma will cast meteor. If so, restart the game and start your 2nd attempt. Make sure you save before fighting Ozma. Then, just barrage Ozma with Shock, Dragon's Crest and Thievery. Quina should use Magic Hammer to …
Final Fantasy IX Walkthrough & Guide - GameFAQs
Jun 20, 2023 · After the battle, Mene will give you the Ozma Card and Strategy Guide Key Item. The Ozma Card is a great playing card (it tends to have massive stats) while the Strategy Guide is useless except for giving a hint on how to obtain the maximum Card Collector's Level. The Pumice Drop and Ozma's Steals are the main draw here, from a rewards standpoint.
Is it worth it to steal from Ozma? - Final Fantasy IX - GameFAQs
Ozma's the hardest thing in the game, by far. If you can kill him, then the final boss isn't going to give you any problems really, unless you're doing something like a low level game. So, it's not really worth it to steal from him - unless you want to do it as a sort of "Killing him in style" thing.
What level would be the perfect to beat Ozma? - GameFAQs
Nov 13, 2000 · What level would be the perfect to beat Ozma? Right now im using Eiko, Steiner, Quina and Zidane to fight ...
Beating Ozma...and stealing all of his items - Final Fantasy IX
Protect can help, but you'd have to be able to foresee when Curse will hit, since it won't last enough to cover 2. Ozma can only use Curse on even-numbered turns. * Make sure to reduce Ozma's HP to within about 1 attack away from KO even before you're done with the Steals, that way you can end the battle quickly once you get everything you want.
Ozma Strategies - Final Fantasy IX - GameFAQs
Ozma is the only Final Fantasy super-boss I ever bothered to fight, and I remember managing to beat him on my first try. I found the key was carefully managing the pace of the battle. I made sure Eiko was summoning every turn, and was last in the group to go each "round" so to speak.
How do I beat Ozma? - Final Fantasy IX Q&A for PlayStation 4
Sep 19, 2017 · Learn all support and action abiities that can be learnt and set auto-haste, auto-life, high tide and numerous status prevention supports such as clear headed, etc. Most importantly complete the friendly monster quest as when ozma does his speecial attack it will damage hi instead of heal him if you have completed the quest.
Superboss help (obvious spoilers) - Final Fantasy IX - GameFAQs
1) Yes, although it doesn't have to be right before the animation ends. You can start inputting commands as soon as Ozma's attack animation starts. 2) Ozma can counter any action whatsoever taken against it, including stealing, by casting Curaga. It will also counter with Berserk the first time it gets below each of two specific HP levels.
Items - Final Fantasy IX Walkthrough & Guide - GameFAQs
Jun 20, 2023 · Add-ons are FFIX's equivalent of Accessories from many other FF titles. Note that the Add-Ons are arranged in this guide by category, then by order of appearance in the menu (using default sorting). Footwear. Everyone can equip all …
Where do you find ozma? - Final Fantasy IX Q&A for PlayStation
Nov 13, 2000 · Check the Chocobo Hot and Cold Guide or the Ozma FAQ for more details. masteramr - 13 years ago - report.