Oshun - Wikipedia
Oshun (also Ọṣun, Ochún, and Oxúm) is the Yoruba orisha associated with love, sexuality, fertility, femininity, water, destiny, divination, purity, and beauty, and the Osun River, and of …
Paths of Oshun: Deciphering its Secrets and Virtues - OshaeIfa.com
Oshun Ibú Kolé, known as the owner of the tiñosa, plays a unique role among the paths of Oshun. Described as a sorceress with a penchant for the dark arts, her presence is imposing in the …
ORISHÁ OSHUN - daily-ifa.com
Orishá Oshun, also known as Oshun, Ochun, or Oshun, is a prominent figure in the Yoruba religion and its diasporic forms such as Candomblé and Santería. She is revered as a goddess …
Oshun in the Ifa Religion - Asanee 44
May 13, 2022 · Oshun, sometimes spelled Osun, is another Orisha of the Ifa tradition practiced in Yorubaland, Nigeria, and other parts of the world. Popularly known as the river goddess …
The Orishas: Orunla, Osain, Oshun, Oya, and Yemaya - Learn …
Jan 23, 2018 · Oshun . Oshun is the seductive orisha of love and marriage and fertility, and she rules the genitals and the lower abdomen. She is particularly associated with feminine beauty, …
Prayer to Oshun: Invocations for Money, Love and Protection
Discover powerful prayers to Oshun for love, success and health. She connects with the Orisha of love and abundance. Attracts protection and divine blessings Oshaeifa.com
Feminine Power and Freedom in Ifá: The Paths of Oyá, Obá, and …
Oct 26, 2024 · In Ifá, the feminine embodies not only nurturing qualities but also strength, autonomy, and freedom. The Orishás Oyá, Obá, and Oshún, each representing distinct …
5 Stories or Pataki of Oshun - OshaeIfa.com
5 pataki of the orisha oshun extracted from Yoruba mythology reflected in the Oddun of Ifa. Each pataki tells us about different stages and experiences that this deity lived during his stay on …
Oshun: Ifa and The Spirit of the River Paperback - amazon.com
Sep 9, 1993 · Oshun is the Spirit of the river in the West African religious tradition called Ifá. The word Oshun is the name given to describe a complex convergence of Spiritual Forces that are …
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5 Things You Might Not Know About Orishá Oshún - DAILY IFÁ
Feb 1, 2025 · 4. Oshún’s Role as a Mediator. In Yoruba cosmology, Oshún often acts as a mediator between humanity and the divine. Her charm and diplomacy enable her to resolve …