Plywood vs OSB | Contractor Talk - Professional Construction and ...
Feb 16, 2007 · One 23/32" 4'x 8' OSB piece would weigh approximately 78 lbs. Plywood is approximately 15% to 19% lighter than OSB. While the additional weight of OSB does not …
OSB roof decking thickness - 7/16", 1/2", or 5/8" - Contractor Talk
Aug 7, 2011 · Currently we space rafters 16" oc and use 7/16" OSB with H clips. We're in Dallas so we don't engineer for tremendous live loads for an asphalt shingle and we feel comfortable …
Steel Roof on OSB Failures - Contractor Talk
May 7, 2023 · Meanwhile the upper OSB layer is rotting away unknown and causing serious structural damage to the SIP integrity. This one is a big mess soon. Brother in law has a pole …
OSB with Tyvek or zip system sheathing - Contractor Talk
Jan 3, 2015 · The house we are doing now had 260 sheets for the exterior so about $1800 for osb. $300 for tyvek. 3 rolls of titanium $300. 10 rolls of ice and water $600 2 laborers for 2 …
OSB under rubber roof - Contractor Talk
Apr 27, 2008 · When I was a Super for a production roofing corp in Arizona, the tract houses were sheathed with OSB, but the edges (about 16-24" in) at the perimeter of the roof (eaves & …
OSB and Rain ..... - Contractor Talk
Oct 17, 2006 · I use Advantek :thumbup: OSB for floor and roof sheathing. It took me a long time to make the change from plywood, but I am impressed with the stuff. It also has a 50 year …
felt paper or not under metal rofing - Contractor Talk
Dec 9, 2006 · most codes and good roofing practice would require felt. with metal roofing its also a good idea to put a layer of red rosin paper between the felt "or Ice&water shield" and the …
Rigid Foam Board under sheathing - Contractor Talk
May 10, 2009 · Some builders/ townships required or had options for 12' osb corners. We did have to nail seams every 2-4" and every 4-6" in the field with 1 3/4 roofing nails. Moisture …
nailing versus stapling | Contractor Talk - Professional …
May 7, 2010 · Keep in mind OSB has only been used since the 90's at least in my area. Of course I feel if plywood has been wet at some point it will have issues down the road. On reroofs we …
Attaching plywood for roof sheathing? Screws? - Contractor Talk
Jul 26, 2007 · Anyway, I did the roof but I think I'll stick with OSB sheathing, there aren't any voids that I have ever found, and it seems to be stronger than 1/2 inch plywood, unless you buy 5/8 …