Nasalis: Origin, insertion, innervation, action | Kenhub
Nov 3, 2023 · Nasalis is a paired facial muscle that covers the dorsum of the nose. Learn everything about the anatomy and functions of this muscle at Kenhub!
Nasalis muscle - Wikipedia
The nasalis muscle is a sphincter-like muscle of the nose. It has a transverse part and an alar part. It compresses the nasal cartilages, and can "flare" the nostrils. It can be used to test the facial nerve (VII), which supplies it.
Nasalis muscle: Anatomy, Origin, Insertion, Function, Exercise
Oct 20, 2020 · The nasalis is a sphincter-like muscle of the nose whose function is to compress the nasal cartilages. It is the muscle responsible for “flaring” of the nostrils. Some people can use it to close the nostrils to prevent the entry of water when underwater.
Nasalis - Actions - Attachments - TeachMeAnatomy
Oct 8, 2024 · The nasalis is a nasal muscle of facial expression. It is the largest of the nasal muscles and is comprised of two parts: transverse and alar. Attachments: Transverse part – originates from the maxilla, immediately lateral to the nose. It attaches onto an aponeurosis across the dorsum of the nose.
NASALIS Definition & Meaning | Merriam-Webster Medical
The meaning of NASALIS is a small muscle on each side of the nose that constricts the nasal aperture by the action of a triangular transverse portion which draws the lateral part of the aperture upward and a quadrangular alar portion which draws it downward.
Nasalis | Rehab My Patient
Jul 27, 2020 · Nasalis is a paired muscle covering the dorsum of the nose. There are two parts to this muscle, the alar and transverse parts. The alar part is also known as the dilator naris posterior, and the transverse part otherwise known as the compressor naris.
Nasalis muscle - Location, Structure, Function, Diagram
Jan 16, 2025 · The nasalis muscle is a facial muscle that is responsible for the movement of the nostrils. It is a narrow, elongated muscle that is located in the nasal region of the face. [8] Structure. The nasalis muscle is divided into two main parts: the transverse part and the alar part.
Nasalis muscle - e-Anatomy - IMAIOS
The Nasalis (Compressor naris) consists of two parts, transverse and alar. The transverse part arises from the maxilla, above and lateral to the incisive fossa; its fibers proceed upward and medialward, expanding into a thin aponeurosis which is continuous on the bridge of the nose with that of the muscle of the opposite side, and with the ...
Nasalis Muscle | Complete Anatomy - Elsevier
Learn about the nasalis muscle's origin, action, insertion, innervation and arterial supply. Understand its clinical correlates.
Nasalis Muscle - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
Nasalis —The nasalis muscle comprises two components, the transverse section and the alar portion. The transverse section merges with the procerus at the bridge of the nose and sits on the cartilaginous part of the nose.