Nan Jia
Nan Jia, PhD. University of Southern California, Marshall School of Business. Building HOH. Room / Office 518. [email protected]
Research — Nan Jia
Nan Jia, Kyle Mayer (2016) "Complementarity in Firms’ Market and Political Capabilities: An Integrated Theoretical Perspective," Advances in Strategic Management 34 (Strategy Beyond Markets), 437 - 470.
Bio — Nan Jia
Professor Nan Jia holds a PhD in Strategic Management from the Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto (Canada). Her research interests include corporate political strategy, business-governance relationships, emerging technology in management, and corporate governance in international business.
Honors and Awards — Nan Jia
Nan Jia, PhD. University of Southern California, Marshall School of Business. Building HOH. Room / Office 518. [email protected]
Teaching — Nan Jia
Nan Jia, PhD. University of Southern California, Marshall School of Business. Building HOH. Room / Office 518. [email protected]
Contact 1 - Nan Jia
Nan Jia, PhD. University of Southern California, Marshall School of Business. Building HOH. Room / Office 518. [email protected]