Upon completion, in accordance with MCBul 10120 (Individual Clothing Allowances), a NAVMC 604/604B used as an individual clothing request for initial or supplementary issue will be submitted...
A NAVMC 604/604B used as an individual checkage request must include monetary values of the items to be sold. The individual's CO shall write the word "Certified" in the block to the right of...
Publications - Marines.mil
This page provides direction to authentic current digital versions of publications issued by Headquarters Marine Corps Staff Agencies, Major Commands, and other DoD and Federal Agencies that issue ...
S-4 Logistics - United States Marine Corps
These uniforms will be provided free of charge to the applicable Marines through the use of a NAVMC 604. These instances are as follows: -Pregnancy: NAVMC 604B Maternity Template
c. Forms. The forms used in this Bulletin are: NAVMC 604 and NAVMC 604B. d. Recommendations. Recommendations concerning the contents of this
MIL00013 > Office of the Assistant to the Secretary of Defense for ...
NAVMC 604 - Individual Clothing Requisition and Issue Slip (Men's) NAVMC 604b - Individual Clothing Requisition and Issue Slip (Women's) NAVMC 604a - Transmittal of Clothing Issue Slips. NAVMC 10710 - Men's Individual Clothing Request. NAVMC l0711 - Women's Individual Clothing Request. NAVMC 631 - Individual Clothing Record (Men's)
Combined Clothing Requisition and Issue Slip Form
This form, the NAVMC 604 Rev.08-09, is necessary for clothing requisitions in 2024 and 2025. Check with your supply officer for any updates or changes to submission deadlines.
Nov 22, 2023 · Once uniform items are available, the Commander or designated individual will validate the Marine’s SRB and create a NAVMC 604. The NAVMC 604 will contain the Functional Account Number (FAN...
Form Navmc 604 – Fill Out and Use This PDF - FormsPal
The NAVMC 604 form, officially titled the Combined Individual Clothing Requisition and Issue Slip (Men's), serves as a critical document for managing the issuance and requisition of clothing items within the Marine Corps. This form facilitates the request and distribution of uniform and gear items, ensuring Marines are properly equipped for ...
- Reviews: 1
MIL00018 > Office of the Assistant to the Secretary of Defense for ...
Combined Individual Clothing Requisition and Issue Slip, NAVMC 604 Form. AUTHORITY FOR MAINTENANCE OF THE SYSTEM: 5 U.S.C. 301, Departmental Regulations and 10 U.S.C. 5031. PURPOSE(S): To...