Barí people - Wikipedia
The Motilones-Barí, sometimes also called Barís, Motilones (or for its singular: Motilón) or Dobocubis, are an indigenous people who live in the Catatumbo River basin in Norte de Santander Department in Colombia in South America and who speak the Barí language.
Pueblo Motilón-Barí - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre
Los Motilones-Barí, también llamados Barís, Motilones «o por su singular: Motilón» o Dobocubis, son un pueblo amerindio que habita en las selvas Catatumbo, a ambos lados de la frontera entre Colombia y Venezuela y habla barí, un idioma de la familia lingüística chibchense.
The Motilone Miracle
The Motilones, despite their cannibalistic reputation, are people who, at least in their exotic jungle environment, largely live at peace with each other. During his [thirty-eight] years with the tribe, Bruce has seen little homicide, drunkenness, prostitution, or physical violence.
La Familia Lingüística Motilones: Historia, Lengua y Cultura Indígena
Explora la historia, estructura lingüística y el legado cultural de la familia lingüística Motilones, hablada por los pueblos Barí y otros en la región nororiental de Colombia y Venezuela.
Motilón | Indigenous, Colombia, Venezuela | Britannica
Motilón, (Spanish: “Hairless Ones”), collective name loosely applied by the Spaniards to various highland and lowland American Indian peoples who lived in and about the Colombian and Venezuelan Andes and Lake Maracaibo. Chief among them were the Chaké and the Mape, who were agricultural and
El indio motilón y su historia - Duke University Press
A great deal has been written about the group of Indians known as Motilones—from the Spanish word motilar— meaning to cut or crop. They inhabit a rather vaguely defined but extensive area west of Lake Maracaibo, which contains the undelimited boundary line …
Bruchko: The Story of Bruce Olson - The Gospel Coalition
Dec 28, 2006 · After spending a year with the Yukos, he ventured deeper into the jungle to find the Motilones. His initial encounter with the Motilones was frightening. He was pierced by an Indian arrow and later almost executed by the Motilone chief.
The Motilone (Bari) Tribe of Colombia - Blogger
May 31, 2010 · This was a wild place with only scattered groups of native inhabitants called the Motilones who had not yet been introduced to civilization and who were aggressive toward the oil company people who they undoubtedly considered invaders of their territory.
BARI Indígenas: Grupo Indígena Motilón Bari - Toda Colombia
Aug 7, 2010 · Viven en la frontera con Venezuela en la Serranía de los Motilones, departamento de Norte de Santander; los Bari se ubican sobre la hoya del río Catatumbo, región boscosa - húmeda tropical - compuesta por tierras bajas que descienden desde el nudo de Santurbán, en la cordillera oriental.
MOTILONES Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
The meaning of MOTILÓN is a Cariban people of northern Colombia and Venezuela.