Mordru (Character) - Comic Vine
Mordru's imprisonment was only temporary however, as new member Shadow Lass accidentally released him when she was exploring the headquarters. Mordru was released, and quickly defeated the ...
Mordru Enemies - Comic Vine
Mordru is the most prominent Lord of Chaos. He is indirectly responsible for the recent destruction of the of the Rock of Eternity, and apparently directly responsible of the courruption of Hawk ...
Mordru Comics - Comic Vine
Character » Mordru appears in 165 issues. Chief among the Lords of Chaos and classified as a "ultimate-level magic wielder", Mordru is perhaps the most powerful, evil sorcerer in the DC Universe.
Mordru screenshots, images and pictures - Comic Vine
Character » Mordru appears in 165 issues. Chief among the Lords of Chaos and classified as a "ultimate-level magic wielder", Mordru is perhaps the most powerful, evil sorcerer in the DC Universe.
Superboy and the Legion of Super-Heroes #245 - Mordru, Master …
Mordru is revealed to be the one behind the attack on Earth, all to get revenge against the Legion of Super-Heroes. He is faced against only four Legionnaires, Superman, Saturn Girl, Lightning Lad ...
Mister Mxyzptlk vs. Mordru - Battles - Comic Vine
During day of vengeance, Spectre fought Amethyst on Gemworld, albeit off panel, while Mordru was busy escaping the rock of eternity, beating the JSA, fighting Nabu and subsequently being stomped ...
Mordru Respect Thread - Gen. Discussion - Comic Vine
Mordru of the 20th Century was shown that in the future he would battle against the Legion of Superheroes. This is Mordru's future-self, from the 30th century, doing just that. 3.1 Physical Attributes
Dormammu vs Mordru - Battles - Comic Vine
Mordru owned Thunderbolt by actually cutting him from his power-source, not in a direct battle. Even then, Dormammu defeating Slorioth(A threat to Eternity just by existing) off-panel, while still ...
Respect Post Crisis Mordru (Complete Respect Thread)
Sep 11, 2021 · Scan 1/2- A hostless Mordru handles getting bullrushed by multiple JSA powerhouses at once in a huge blitz, with him recovering enough to fight back with his own magical offence (JSA #51)
Mordru (Character) - Comic Vine
Character » Mordru appears in 165 issues. Chief among the Lords of Chaos and classified as a "ultimate-level magic wielder", Mordru is perhaps the most powerful, evil sorcerer in the DC Universe.