Uroteuthis chinensis - Wikipedia
Uroteuthis chinensis, [3] also known as the Hanchi (Korean: 한치) [4], Taiwanese squid (Mandarin Chinese: 台灣槍烏賊) or mitre squid, [5] is a species of squid in the west Pacific Ocean, …
The mitre squid is widely distributed in coastal waters throughout the Indo-west Pacific. It has a depth range of 10-170 m but is most commonly found in the 30-50 m depth bracket (Arkhipkin …
Age and Growth of Mitre Squid ( Uroteuthis chinensis ) in the
Jul 11, 2024 · The mitre squid Uroteuthis chinensis is distributed widely in the Chinese coastal areas and contributes to the majority of the Chinese neritic squid fishery, especially in the …
解析海鲜 | 认识鱿鱼(二)(作者:Zam) - 知乎专栏
中国尾枪乌贼 Uroteuthis (Photololigo) chinensis,又名中国枪鱿、本港鱿鱼、台湾锁管、长筒鱿、火箭鱿等,英文Mitre squid。 主要分布于澎湖群岛、闽南海域、海南岛周围、广西北部湾等, …
U. chinensis (Mitre squid) – U. chinensis ranges from the western Pacific to the Indian Ocean (Fig. 1), and from approximately 15-170m in depth. It is a moderately sized squid, common to …
Mitre squid Squid seafood recommendation | Seafood Watch
Mitre squid caught in China with purse seines should be avoided. There's limited information about the population's status, but mitre squid is highly susceptible to overfishing by Chinese …
FishSource - Mitre squid - China
Mitre squid Uroteuthis (Photololigo) chinensis (previously Loligo chinensis) is one of the main squid species caught in Chinese waters, however, no stock structure information could be …
Uroteuthis chinensis, Mitre squid : fisheries - SeaLifeBase
Members of the class Cephalopoda are gonochoric. Male and female adults usually die shortly after spawning and brooding, respectively. Mating behavior: Males perform various displays to …
Mitre squid
Mitre squid: photo by FAO: Family: Loliginidae (inshore squids) Max. size: 31.5 cm ML (male/unsexed) Environment: demersal; marine; depth range 15 - 170 m, non-migratory: …
Mitre squid (Hirakensakiika) | Basic Sushi Knowledge - Sushi …
Mitre squid (Hirakensakiika) is a species of squid in the west Pacific Ocean, including the China Sea. Compared with other cuttlefish or squid, its taste is thinner and sweeter, and it is …