What replaced the Mirage IV?
Feb 3, 2011 · The Mirage F4 replaced the Mirage IV! Dassault were tasked in the early 1960s to design a low-altitude intruder that did not have the high approach speeds or buffetting associated with the Mirage's delta wing. Unlike the earlier Mirage III the F2 had a high-mounted swept wing and horizontal tail surfaces.
Mirage IV - Page 4 - What if
Nov 25, 2004 · If you compare the forward fuselage parts from the F-4 with those of the Mirage IV you find that there is a common diameter between them that will allow you to make a cut on the F-4 parts and the Mirage IV parts that will give you a radar nose section and still leave you with the majority of the Mirage IV forward fuselage section that can then ...
Viggen FGR.1A... - Page 2
Sep 6, 2006 · I don't know for the Mirage F2, but the Aeronavale was very interested by the Mirage G. For a reason I can't understand, it was include in the competition for the Etendard IV replacement, which led to the Super Etendard.
CVA-01 - What if
Feb 15, 2009 · As a a frenchmen I like the idea of an anglo-french Mirage G (or fixed-wing Mirage F2) powered by a Spey. No F-4K, no Mirage F1, no Super Etendard and ultimately... no Jaguar ! The US navy might be interested by such machine, as a "Tomkitten". Flying in 1968, The Mirage G would fill the gap between the disastrous F-111B and the Tomcat.
Leduc Ramjets aircrafts... - Page 2
Apr 13, 2006 · Mirage IV four engined bomber (4 atar underwings) Hello, I'm new here. I don't speak very good english, but I like prototypes and I knew a little bit of french prototypes.
General Dynamics Type 200 - Page 3
Jul 1, 2007 · At a time I worked on three models at the same time (Mako, Mirage F2 and this convair 200 ) Quote Intakes are probably best scratch built although a Tornado's might be adapted and lengthened. Then its a case of plenty PSR with a touch of milliput to belend it …
Phaedra Models - whatifmodellers.com
Dec 4, 2011 · I recently came across brand of resin models on EvilBay. In fact, they appear only available on EvilBay, through a particular seller "e-cellaronline".
Re: Spinners' Strike Fighters Thread - Page 130 - What if
Feb 7, 2008 · ADLA MIRAGE 4000.04 by Spinners1961, on Flickr ADLA MIRAGE 4000.02 by Spinners1961, on Flickr ADLA MIRAGE 4000.03 by Spinners1961, on Flickr ADLA MIRAGE 4000.06 by Spinners1961, on Flickr No input from me on this one! An exciting new release today has been the mighty Dassault Mirage 4000 - the F-15-sized big brother to the Mirage 2000.
Super Crusader - Page 2
Jan 3, 2007 · Super Crusader - Page 2
Antiship Tsr-2 - whatifmodellers.com
Jul 31, 2007 · After evaluation of second-hand Mirage IVs in France, Congress refused to sell F-111A to Greece. So the country asked for TSR-2, and a batch of Eagle mk.2 was refurbished at Warton. The machine were used by 339 Mira, and painted in the Aegean blue sheme.