Mbege - Wikipedia
Mbege is a kind of banana drink traditional to the Chagga ethnic group of Tanzania located in Kilimanjaro region. It is an alcoholic drink made from fermented bananas. The process of making of mbege is labor-intensive and time-consuming as the majority of the process is done by hand without the aid of modern technology.
Mbege | Local Alcoholic Beverage From Kilimanjaro, Tanzania
Mbege is an alcoholic beverage made from fermented bananas. The drink is traditionally made by Chaga (Chagga) people—the Bantu-speaking ethnic group who traditionally live on the slopes of Mount Kilimanjaro and Mount Meru.
Mbege- a social beer of the Chagga tribe - Tanzania-Experience
Apr 13, 2016 · Mbege is an alcoholic drink made from ripe bananas and sprouted millet powder. Some call it banana beer but it has a more wine-like taste to it. Mbege is traditionally only brewed by women and it is a time-consuming and very hands on process.
Mbege, the Chagga tribe's local beer from Kilimanjaro region in ...
Sep 7, 2022 · Mbege, a beverage prepared from bananas and sprouted finger millet, is popular among the Chagga tribe in the Northeast, on the lower slopes of Mount Kilimanjaro. It takes a lot of work to make mbege, thus typically women do it.
Mbege - Gastro Obscura
In the Northeast, on the lower slopes of Mount Kilimanjaro, the Chagga tribe is known for mbege, a brew made from bananas and sprouted finger millet. Making mbege is a labor-intensive process...
Oct 19, 2016 · Enter mbege, a banana beer brewed by the Chaga (Chagga, Wachaga) people in Tanzania. The Chaga tribe are within the Bantu-speaking group and the third largest ethnic group in Tanzania. Traditionally, they live on the southern and eastern slopes of Mount Kilimanjaro where the environment is highly suitable for agriculture.
Mbege – A Unique and Chaga Traditional Beer
Dec 26, 2021 · The alcoholic beverage Mbege is made from sprouted millet powder and ripe bananas. Often referred to as banana beer, but with a taste more like wine. Traditionally, Mbege is brewed only by women. It is a very time-consuming process and labour-intensive. Specific bananas are harvested from the farm to make Mbege.
Mbege Beer - Arca del Gusto - Slow Food Foundation
Mbege is an alcoholic drink that is brewed with sprouted finger millet flour and a special variety of banana called ndizi ngombe. The production process is relatively long and difficult. Bananas are harvested and placed over the fireplace or in the ceiling of traditional Chagga huts where the temperature is high enough to speed the ripening.
Brewing Technique of Mbege , a Banana Beer Produced in ... - MDPI
Mbege is a beer made of banana (Musa spp.) and finger millet (Eleusine coracana). It is the most popular indigenous alcoholic beverage in northeastern Tanzania, and plays an important role in the economy of the region. In this study, we observed and recorded a detailed traditional technique for brewing mbege.
Mbege - Wikipedia, kamusi elezo huru
Mbege ni kileo asili cha Wachagga, wakazi wa mkoa wa Kilimanjaro. Mbege hutengenezwa kwa ndizi mbivu, kimea cha ulezi , na maji . Mara nyingi mbege hutengenezwa na wanawake na hutumika katika sherehe na matukio mbalimbali kama vile harusi , misiba, kipaimara , kuzaliwa kwa mtoto , n.k. Mbege hutumiwa pia kama faini kwenye mahakama za jadi .