Change your Microsoft account picture - Microsoft Support
Notes: You can use most static image files on PC, macOS, iOS and Android, but HEIC and animated GIFs are not supported, sorry. To see entire portrait or landscape photos, use a photo editing app to add borders to make the image square.
Microsoft 帐户恢复代码 - Microsoft 支持
打印恢复代码并将其保存在安全的地方。 出于安全考虑,请勿将代码存储在用于登录帐户的设备上。 如何实现下载我的Microsoft帐户恢复代码?
Options in Windows - Microsoft Support
Depending on your device configuration, the available options are: Windows Hello Face - used to configure the sign in using face recognition, instead of a password.. To learn more, see Configure Windows Hello.. Windows Hello Fingerprint - used to configure the sign in using a fingerprint, instead of a password.. To learn more, see Configure Windows Hello.
Contact Us - Microsoft Support
Contact Microsoft Support. Find solutions to common problems, or get help from a support agent.
Account help & learning - support.microsoft.com
Microsoft account help and support. Get help with signing in, locked or compromised accounts, linked accounts, closing, reopening, and updating your security info and account profile.
What's new in Word 2024 for Windows and Mac - Microsoft Support
Word 2024 and Word 2024 for Mac enable you to create compelling content and include: Document Recovery, support for ODF 1.4, the ability to switch between modes, and the ability to delete all resolved comments at once.
Sign in using Microsoft Authenticator - Microsoft Support
Open Authenticator, and then select > Add work or school account > Sign in.. Select Sign in from another device.. On the remote screen, open the Sign in to your account page and enter the code that you see in Authenticator.. On your remote screen, sign in …
Anmelden mit Microsoft Authenticator - Microsoft-Support
Öffnen Sie Authenticator, und wählen Sie dann > Geschäfts- , Schul- oder Unikonto hinzufügen > Anmelden aus.. Wählen Sie Von einem anderen Gerät aus anmelden aus.. Öffnen Sie auf dem Remotebildschirm die Seite Bei Ihrem Konto anmelden, und geben Sie den Code ein, der in Authenticator angezeigt wird.. Melden Sie sich auf dem Remotebildschirm mit den …
Check the recent sign-in activity for your Microsoft account
If you get an email about unusual activity on your Microsoft account, or if you’re worried that someone else might have used your account, go to the Recent activity page.You’ll see when your Microsoft account was signed in during the last 30 days, along with any device or …
BitLocker Drive Encryption - Microsoft Support
The BitLocker Drive Encryption applet lists all the drives connected to the Windows device: The Operating system drive is the drive on which Windows is installed. Additional drives are listed under Fixed data drives. Removable drives, like USB thumb drives, are listed under Removable data drives - BitLocker To Go. Manually encrypt a drive