Madhya Pradesh Madhyam
Madhyam was created as a platform, on which communication needs of the Government of Madhya Pradesh and its various departments and agencies could be fulfilled with a high degree of professionalism and freedom of creativity.
Madhya Pradesh Madhyam invites online proposals from suitable agencies for Empanelment of Agencies on rate contract basis for services related to Event Management work on rental
Madhya Pradesh Madhyam
Madhya Pradesh Madhyam. 40, Administrative Zone, Arera Hills Bhopal - 462011 (M.P.) INDIA Phone : 0755-2551330, 4281330 Fax : 0755-2558409 Email : [email protected]
Madhya Pradesh Madhyam
Rojgar Aur Nirman, the employment and development weekly published by Madhyam is a very popular paper among the youth for its extensive coverage of employment and educational opportunities, articles on personality and skill development and career guidance.
Madhya Pradesh Madhyam, wished to empanel audio-visual producers with intention to utilize their services for production of audio visual publicity of various government policies and programmes (For the financial year 2017-2018 & 2018-
Madhya Pradesh Madhyam invites online proposals from suitable agencies for Empanelment of Agencies on rate contract basis for services related to Event Management work on rental basis.
furnishing works and other maintenance works of Madhya Pradesh Madhyam, Bhopal from reputed and experienced interior furnishing firms of Bhopal. Probable cost of work is Rs. 13 lakhs. Tender documents and other details can be obtained from the office of Madhya Pradesh Madhyam on all working days during office hours upto 02.03.2023, 5.30 P.M. by
Madhya Pradesh Madhyam has started Promoting, Campaigning and Planning of Schemes of the Government of Madhya Pradesh in the digital space through its own website; advertisements in various websites, social networking sites, search
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Madhya Pradesh Madhyam, a multi media organisation of Govt. of Madhya Pradesh invites tenders from Manufacturers/Authorised Dealers, for the purchase of following Broadcast Video & Audio Equipments.