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MCS TSIRANG - Facebook
Scout's Scarf Day Observed Across Schools in Tsirang Dzongkhag
Aug 3, 2018 · Scouting: To ensure a spirited and motivated to both active and former scouts, "Scout Scarf Day" was observed in schools across Tsirang Dzonkhag namely Mendrelgang …
Tsirangtoe Central School: School Calendar - Blogger
RSSM 2018 at Tsirang starts. Primary level inter-class chess and table tennis competition end.
Tsirang Media Focal... - Mendrelgang Scouts Association - Facebook
Tsirang Media Focal reports on activities conducted in Tsirang Dzongkhag on International Day of Peace (21/9/2021)
Mendrelgang Central School - Facebook
This enriching program was initiated by the Bhutan Scouts Association and successfully conducted in Tsirang by the Tsirang Scouts Association. A total of 18 passionate and …
The Education Sector of Tsirang Dzongkhag organized “Science Professional Development Workshop” with the theme “Improving learning outcome through the development of teachers’ …
Tsirangtoe Central School
Aug 17, 2018 · Perhaps, Tsirang is the only southern Dzongkhag with a tinge of spiritual and historical significance, which made a glorious page in our country’s history. The listeners …
Mendrelgangang Central School (MCS), Tsirang have initiated documentation of butterfly fauna in Tsirang district as part of the conservation education programs for the school students. Singh …
Mendrelgang Central School Tender Invitation - Dzi Seldra
Sealed tenders are invited from valid trade licence holders for supply of meat and eggs at Mendrelgang Central School, Tsirang. Tender documents will be available from September 18, …
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The Performance Agreement is entered between the Dzongkhag Education Officer and the Principals, Tsirang Dzongkhag. The objectives of this Performance Agreement are: 1. To …