M955 AP - AR15.COM
Aug 31, 2006 · BTW, even if you can't get mil-surp AP 223, look around there are plenty of custom ammo makers who make AP .223, some of it certainly will outperform M955. I love the carbide stuff, nothing like turning armor plate into swiss cheese. Turns this: into this:
M955 purchasing? - AR15.COM
Jul 22, 2004 · .30-06 M2 AP ammo uses bullets with hardened steel cores. The use of tungsten in AP rifle bullets is a relatively recent development, and likely wasn't very possible during the years that .30-06 was issued due to the lack of tungsten in the US (we buy most of it from Russia).-Troy
Black Tip 5.56 - AR15.COM
Dec 11, 2016 · Grabbed an ammo can of 5.56 that my friend left me when he passed. After using up the Federal 55 grain on the top of the stack I found this underneath. Looks like M995 Black Tip AP. I decided not to shoot it until I did some research and I can't find out much about it. What do you guys know about this stuff?
Iraq After Action Review excerpt MK 262 ammo vs. M855 in …
Aug 20, 2006 · Neither, M855 or Mk262 is ideal as Doc's post represents both a military/LE point in that M955 is a military only AP round up to the task of auto glass. In the LE would, the TBBC would be the best selection even though the two i.e. M955 & …
m995 ammo - AR15.COM
Jan 22, 2006 · Even a few years back they were selling the 30 caliber bullets for reloading, and they could NOT be legally made into 308 ammo, only 30-06. Why only 30-06, and 50BMG black tips? Word around the campfire is that these rounds were released into the public a long time ago (over 40 years?), before they decided to ban the AP ammo for civilians.
Poll: M193 or M855 / SS109? - AR15.COM
Apr 9, 2008 · i have been reading about the many failures to stop with the new M16a2 and m4's in afghanistan and Iraq. I was wondering since the m16A1 is still quite common here in Asia (with hardly any complaints about stopping power) whether the older M193 5.56 slug delivered more punch and stopping power than the newer SS109 rounds which are reputed to be more accurate, but sadly lacking in stopping power.
carl gustaf - 223 5.56x45mm 62gr Steel Core M855 SS109 NATO …
Mar 27, 2015 · The big surprise is that several years down the road your SHTF stash won't go bang and that ZQ1 5.56 ammo at 10 bucks per 30 at Walmart ten year past is starting to look like the "should have, could have .... would have" moment. Get your lead styphnate primered ammo now. Buy it cheap and stack it deep because these are the good old days.
Is 5.56x45 NATO AP ammo legal or not? - AR15.COM
Aug 3, 2007 · Im having an argueement right now with someone about this where he is saying the '68 GCA exempts .22 ammo as being considered AP, so therefore its not illegal to get 5.7 AP or 5.56mm AP ammo. I dont agree with this, as I dont see any M955 for sale normally. He also claims that SS109 is AP lol which is not, its ball ammo techicallly.
Did I just find the holy grail of 5.56 ammo!!! (M995 AP
Aug 21, 2013 · Someone sent me the real deal ammo, did a gel test, and it was redacted by the feds. But someone a year or two ago posted about finding an M855A1 projectile in a lot of pulled m855. Posted: 8/21/2013 9:49:15 AM EST
Would you rather have 100k m855, m855a1, or m995 bullets
Mar 5, 2015 · You should see what it does to steel backstops when people go "Hmmmmm, this ammo looks funny, but it says ball. Must be good to go" [ARCHIVED THREAD] - Would you rather have 100k m855, m855a1, or m995 bullets?